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Hey, guys!

So here's the deal: I'm looking for the best trailer for the TYDKAD trilogy. I'm looking for the best trailer maker who can make the awesomest, coolest, beautiful-est trailer for the Things You Didn't Know About Disney trilogy ever!

So I'm coming to you guys for help. I'm holding a contest to see who can make the best trailer ever!

Here are the details if you wish to particpate:

First off, the trailer will be due by Monday, May 18th, at 8:00 PM EST.

You MUST post the trailer on YouTube then send me the link via Private Message. That is the only way I will accept your trailer.

Your trailer must include scenes from the follwing movies:

Snow White


Mary Poppins

The Little Mermaid

Beauty and the Beast


And Lilo and Stitch

You can use any footage from any other Disney movie, but the movies listed above are MANDATORY.

In the trailer, have some music playing! Give the trailer the ol' Classic Disney feel with the Disney songs! Use whatever songs you like and best see fit. :)

Remember at the end of the trailer to have credits on the following: Who made the trailer (that would be you), who wrote the TYDKAD trilogy (that would be me), and a list of what movies you used footage from in the trailer.

Also, your trailer must feature the following words: "Have you ever wondered about Disney? The little secrets and fun facts it has? Well have we the book for you!" And then show various things from TYDKAD or whatever it is you guys do.

And that would be all the mandatory stuff! You can do whatever you want in this trailer, but make sure you have everything listed above in your trailer!

As I said, you can do whatever you want for this trailer; you can list some facts from my book to help give the watcher a taste of what these books are like, you can show the cover of my books in your trailer, you can do whatever you please. :)

If you have any questions, please private message me.

Otherwise, may the odds be ever in your favor!

Things You Didn't Know About Disney: Book IIIWhere stories live. Discover now