Part 13

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Hey people, sorry I haven't been posting my stupid wifi wasn't working but I'll try and upload 2 times a week.. starting next week lol and sorry if I spell somethings wrong I write rlly fast so slay anyway bai queens!


I wake up to the sun goin right into my eyes, I look over to see if jadens still in bed and he's not, I get out of bed and walk downstairs to see javon, jayla and jaden in gym clothes
"Are you guys goin to the gym?" I say walking down the stairs
"Oh morning, yes we are but we wanted to wait to see if you wanted to come with?" Jayla says
"Oh ok I'll be like 10 mins" i say as I run up stairs
I grab my gym clothes and go into the bathroom to change, I wash my face and brush my teeth and do my hair then walk back downstairs
"Ok I'm ready!" I say grabbing my water bottle, we hop into the car and jayla starts to drive
"Hi" Jaden says
"Hey" i reply
"Why didn't you wake me up for?" I say getting out my phone
"Because I didn't think you would wanna come to the gym!" He say whispering
"Ofc, only think about what you want to do not anyone else! I love the gym" i say
"Don't need to get mad at me, I wasn't the one that slept in!" he reply's sitting back into his seat then javon speaks up
"Are you two ok?" He says looking back
"Yup, we are fine" Jaden say looking at me
Idk why I got a lil angry for, I maybe just woke up on the wrong side of the bed!
"Sorry" i whispered
"It's ok ig, and I'm sorry I didn't 'wake you up' " he says shanking his hands
"Damn ok so we cool now?" "No more fighting?" i say
"No more fights" Jaden replied
"Good" i say putting my head on his shoulder

We soon arrive at the gym, we walk in and see James and jack
"Oh look who it is" Javon says walking over to them
"Oh hey guys" they say
We all say hey back and me and jayla go over and do our beautiful leg day, we get ready and start then jack comes over
"Hey guys" he says
"Oh hey was up?" I say
"Nothing just chilling" he replies looking at me
"What do you want?" Jayla says
"Oh umm just gonna tell you that ally and milly are coming later" he says looking at jayla then me, and he walks away awkwardly
"Hes weird" i say to jayla
"You think?" She replied
We laugh and keep doin our leg day.
About 1 hour later Jaden comes over to us
"Hey guys" he say sitting down on the floor
"Hey" we say back
"Are Ally and Milly coming?" I ask walking over to him and sitting next to him
"Nope, I checked their location and they are shopping" he says
"So jack came over just to tell us a lie?" Jayla says
"Mhm" i reply getting up and walking over to my bag and getting my water bottle out, I hear Jayla and Jaden talking but idk what about

Jaylas pov:
Y/n gets up and walks over to her bag and does something, I look back at Jaden and see he looks a bit upset
"Hey you good?" I ask
"Oh yeh I'm good" he says looking away
"No tell me" i reply
"Why would jack just come over here and tell you guys that Ally and Milly was gonna come!" Jaden says
"Really Jaden, don't worry about him and just a dickhead and he nows you and y/n are dating and if he try's something then you gotta be the man and do something about it!" I say getting up to let him think about what I just said,i walk over to y/n to see what she's doin
"Hey what ya doin?" I ask
"Oh just getting a drink" she replies
"Cool, jadens having a heart attack about jack coming over just to see you or some shit and lieing to us" i say looking at my phone
"Oh, I'm really sick of jack and he is a creep" y/n says back
"True" i say and the rest of the boys come over

Y/n pov:
"Hey guys" Javon says
"Hey" we say back
"Wanna go get some food and go to the beach?" James asks
"Sure" we say,I walk over to see Jaden on his phone
"Hey, we are goin to get some food and then go to the beach wanna come?" I ask standing in front of him
"Sure" he says and puts his hand for me to pull him up, I help him up and he puts and arm around my shoulder's and we walk over to the others, we get our bags and walk to the cars
"So we will meet you guys at (...)?" James says
"Yeh righto" Javon says
"Is Ally and Milly gonna be there or is jack just gonna lie again" Jayla says looking at jack with an angry face then looking over to Jaden and he's smiling
"Oh umm I could ask?" James says getting his phone out
"Good" Jayla says getting into the car and me and Jaden follow
Later Javon gets into the car
"The girls are coming to have lunch with us" he says shutting the door
"Cool" we say and start to drive and follow James and jack to the cafe
We arrive and get out of the car and walk over to the door with James and jack following us
We get a table and sit down then the girls walk in
"Hey guys" Ally say
"Hey" we say and wave
They sit down and the waitress comes over
"Hello, today I'll be your waitress , what can I get for you?" She says
"Hey can we  get (...)  and 6 milkshakes and 2 juice's please" Jayla asked
"Sure, is that all?"
"Yes please"
"Cool won't be long" she says and walks away
We sit there for a good 5 mins in silence then it got awkward so I had to say something
"So what did you guys get at the shops?" I ask
"Oh we got some clothes, shoes and stuff like that"Ally replied
"Oh and we got you guys something" Milly added
"So y/n and Jayla, we got you some shoes cause idk they was on sale and new bikinis"Ally says
"And we got the boys hats and some shorts"Milly says

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