chapter one;

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chapter one;


tw! foul language

bold - venom

italic - danielle's thoughts

Danielle had been midway through her morning nap when a matron barged in and ordered her to get ready. She glanced at her clock to see that it was no longer morning, but four in the afternoon, meaning she missed breakfast and lunch. Her stomach rumbled softly.

Eat something dumbass

"Can you shut the fuck up?"

No, get ready

Fuck you

She replaced the water in her glass and glanced out her window. A group of children were running around the garden, bright smiles on their faces. Reality hadn't hit them yet, and it's not pretty when it does. She frowned and glared at the door. It had a gap beneath it, and through there she could see a pair of huge feet. The matron was probably waiting for her outside. She began to get ready, not wanting another beating. Her green converse await her at the door.

The matron glanced at Danielle, grabbing her forearm and dragging her down the stairs. Her fingernails dug into her skin creating crescent moons. And she just let it happen.

Reaching to the bottom of the steps, she pushes the younger girl onto a bench.

"Wait here, and keep your mouth shut." The old lady sneers, pointing her fat finger.

Danielle send her a mocking glare as the old woman turns her back. She caught a glimpse at the new marks on her arm and grimaced. The hallway was quite empty meaning there was either a visitor or everyone was outside for a meeting. Nurse Anna walks out of the visiting room and frantically looks around, probably looking for someone. She spotted the teenager and her face lit up.

"Come, come. Today is the day, I just know it!" The sweet lady squeals, holding onto Danielle's shoulders.

She was a nice woman, unlike the matron she held children with care. She was a favourite. The smell of cookies and chocolate followed her everywhere she went. Nothing dimmed her shimmering personality and positive thoughts. She claimed she would have adopted a few of us, but her criminal record held her back. Her young high-school self was held responsible for that.

"You told me that last time, and it wasn't." The other girl grumbled, leaning into the nurse's touch.

But they did give us snacks!

They did, and it was French pastry

The chocolate croissant was exquisite, but I like brains better

"This is it, I saw who came in and no matter what, he will adopt you!"

The girl just simply smiled and headed towards the visiting room.

No room in this whole orphanage was as new and clean as the visiting room, maybe matrons office, but it was a room that was kept clean to keep up the image of what this place was portraited to be.

The blue-eyed girl took a deep breathe and pull on the door handle. The creme colour of the walls was all to familiar to her. She knew exactly every single detail of this room for she had been in here far to many times.

𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐙𝐘 ; 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now