
27 3 1

Once again, I had been stuck in THIS situation. Like always.

The popular girls were bothering me because of what I was wearing, like that wasn't bad enough. While walking to the bus stop earlier today I missed the bus.

PLUS, it had rained the previous night and when the bus spud away there was some left over water at the side, so it all flew up and hit me.

My light blue jeans were soaked and my favorite plaid red sweater. My red beanie was safe, thankfully. My grey converse got the worst out of them all.

My feet inside them felt gushy and wet, every time I took a single step it would make a duet of SPLOOSH noises.

It sounded so gross.

Then I got to school, and that's how I ended up here, in this situation.

"Wow, did you leave your clothes out in the rain?" Laughed one of the side populars, her name was Brittany Mageran.

"Ha, maybe she did" laughed her twin, Nikki Mageran.

They were identical twins, they only had ONE difference. And that was their brain size. Brittany had no common sense what so ever.

On the other hand, Nikki did. She was still kinda dumb. But was way smarter than Brittany.

Both platinum blonde, both with high ponytails, same clothes, but different hair styles. Brittany's ponytail was always curled, Nikki's was straight.

"That's child's play girls, I say she missed the bus again" smirked the Queen Bee in school.

Emma Charles. Brat, Princess, everything bad. She gets everything she wants whenever she wants.

She was so ugly, but so pretty. URH! What am I saying, the girl was flawless. Skinny, she could fit into anything. Blonde, her hair was usually down but looked perfect in any hairstyle. Today it was perfectly curled. Her face was puberty repellent, and filled with make-up.

My hands curled into a light fist. I bit back a spitting comment. "Can I go now?" My mouth turned into a grimace.

"Oh don't give me that sour face" she walked up to me and touched my cheek and smacked it lightly

"Don't touch me.." I growled, my fists tightened.

"Hmf, see you later loser" she held up her hand against her forehead forming an L with her index finger and thumb. Standing for 'Loser'

Both Brittany and Nikki followed along and did the same following Emma, laughing.

My fists let go a little, I took a deep breathe. Forming it into a sigh when I exhaled. I picked up my bold and took a moment.

I brushed off what had just happened and began walking around the school halls. I often get ignored by everyone, so I don't get any attention. And if I do, it's very rare.

I looked down at the shiny white floor with the sounds of mutters and closing lockers surrounding me, I tightened my grip on the books I was holding and continued on with walking.

Suddenly I fell back with a strong force, as I fell back all my books flew from my hands and slid across the shiny floor.

I slid myself a little, then I looked up, "Hey! What the-" I stopped myself when my crush stood before me.

"I'm really sorry" he apologized and scrambled to get my books like he was chasing after a small pig.

He walked back to me and held out his hand to help me up.

I hesitated for a second, then took his hand and stood up. I brushed myself off and he handed me my books.

"T-thank you" I tried so hard not to have my face explode with the color red.

His name was Adam Ryder, he was so.. Cute! I must sound like some sort of little 12 year old girl who's obsessed with a pop-star.

Well you could say thats actually how I feel, but I'm not really obsessed with him.

He had perfect chocolate brown hair, beautiful green eyes, and a chiseled face. He was the captain of the football team


Jeez, I have problems.

Adam looked down at me awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head, "Uh, your welcome. Well I'm gonna go" he pointed his finger towards down the hall and he sped away.

Wow, nobody wants to be around me..

Well.. Accept for I person, my best friend. She was running down the hall screaming my name.

"CASSIE!" She screamed, whenever she screamed my name I knew something was gonna happen..

I quickly walked over to her, for she seemed out raged. Beyond angry.

"Where were you?!" She crossed her arms

"I'm sorry, Emma, Brittany, and Nikki were bothering me again."

"Are you serious..? I will get them.." She growled

I looked at her, her expression turned from upset to angry. "No you don't, London. I don't want you too"

She took a deep breathe and looked at me, "Ok, ok."

The bell rang, "Oh great. Time for first period." I groaned

"Let's go then" London offered

"Alright" so she and I walked down the hall together to our first class.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2016 ⏰

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