Chapter 1) Warm Welcome..

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Laurel's Pov

I sit down on the train and fiddle with my fingers.

If mother were here she's surely tell me to stop and to sit like a proper young woman.

But I can't help it. I'm so excited to see my older cousin Bruce.

To keep the butterflies in my stomach down I take out my bag and take out a piece of candy.

I look at the laffy taffy wrapper and read the jokes to myself.

Why do cows wear bells around their necks?

I flip the wrapper and read the answer.

Because their horns don't work.

I do a little smile and open up the candy then pop it in my mouth.

"Are you alright Miss Wayne?" I look at the conductor and nod.

"I'm fine, sir. Thank you for checking on me." I offer him a laffy taffy and he accepts.

"You know I had wrote a joke to the company when I was a little boy?"

"Really? Do you remember the joke?"

He scratches his head, thinking for a moment.

"Oh, what is Labor Day?"

I shrug waiting for the answer.

"That's when mothers have their babies."

I give a little polite laugh and he shakes his head. "It wasn't that funny I know but I was a kid. Anyway, I'll be sure that when we stop at Gotham that you get help with your things."

"Again thank you." He walks away and I look out the window of the train.

All of my friends back home had told me how ever since that strange man wearing a bat costume took over saving Gotham city, it has been known for more criminal activity.

I guess it's like the criminal like a challenge, but batman wins every time.

Maybe if I'm lucky I'll see him. But I doubt it, people say that he's like a shadow in the night.

About an hour later I was being helped with all of my luggage.

"Thank you again." I wave and then look around for Alfred.

"Miss Wayne." I turn hearing that faint accent and smile. "Hello Alfred." I give him a hug and he stiffens a bit but loosens up and hugs me back.

"I'll grab your things then."

"I can help." He goes for one of my bags but I grab it before he can.

"So how have you been, Alfred?"

"I've been good, Miss Wayne."

"Alfred, please call me Laurel. Hearing the last name is like a mantel I'm not ready to take up yet."

Like fathers mantel I mean.

"Very well then." We walk over to a black car and I help him put my things in the trunk.

"Where's Bruce?"

"He is at the mansion taking care of last minute paperwork." I felt a bit sad that he wasn't here to greet me too but I'll make sure I give him a piece of my mind when we get there.

He opens the door for me and I slide inside.

As soon as he gets in the front seat I offer him a candy as well but he declines.

"Please put your seatbelt on, Miss Laurel." I do as I bid and eat the laffy taffy.

"Alfred want to hear a joke?" I ask as I read the joke on the wrapper.

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