8 - Presents

195 4 6

ILOVEMYFAMILY: Do you all know where's my sister? [6:00]

JustRoy: nope. [6:00]

ILOVEMYFAMILY: are you sureee? [6:00]

JustRoy: GodDamnIt just shut up already, I'm trying to enjoy my dinner. [6:01]

JustACoffin: You didn't.... Eat his sister, did you? [6:01]

JustRoy: That was in the past. [6:01]

[ImJustHere joined the chat]

ImJustHere: DID SOMEBODY SAY TIME?! [6:02]

JustRoy: no. [6:02pm]

JustRoy: and now that i think about it, Time Child is way better than you. [6:02]

[TimeIsChildish joined the chat]

ImJustHere: what? [6:02]


JustRoy: go away. [6:03]

TimeIsChildish: Fine, you party pooper. [6:03]

JustRoy: leave. [6:03]

TimeIsChildish: OKAY FINE. [6:04]

[TimeIsChildish left the chat]

ImJustHere: you're really mean, meaner than usual, what happened? [6:04]

JustRoy: I have to make Christmas gifts for my kid. [6:04]

ImJustHere: I can help with that! [6:04]

JustRoy: you literally know nothing about kids. [6:05]

ImJustHere: neither do you! [6:05]

JustRoy: ... [6:05]

JustRoy: fair enough. [6:05]

[JustACoffin left the chat]

ILOVEMYFAMILY: I can also help!!! [6:05]

JustRoy: and how? [6:05]

ILOVEMYFAMILY: actually, never mind I need to find my sister... [6:06]

[ILOVEMYFAMILY left the chat]

JustRoy: I hope you don't find her, by the way! [6:06]

ImJustHere: well that was rude. [6:06]

JustRoy: just shut up already. [6:06]

ImJustHere: alright whatever you say, "boss". [6:06]

JustRoy: I have a feeling that's sarcasm. [6:07]

ImJustHere: it is, thanks for noticing. [6:07]

JustRoy: stop with the sarcasm. [6:07]

ImJustHere: hehe [6:07]

ImJustHere: no. [6:07]

[imJustHere was banned from the chat]

JustRoy: now that'll teach you to shut up. [6:08]

[YellowishDavid joined the chat]

JustRoy: oh for the love of... [6:08]

JustRoy: what do you want? [6:08]

YellowishDavid: Dad do you know that Christmas is soon! :0 [6:08]

JustRoy: yes... Yes I did. [6:08]

YellowishDavid: I can't wait!!! :D [6:08]

JustRoy: me too. [6:08]

YellowishDavid: are you gonna give me presents?! <D [6:09]

JustRoy: yes. [6:09]

YellowishDavid: I can't wait to see what my friends would give me! [6:09]

JustRoy: me too. [6:09]

YellowishDavid: Bye dad! [6:09]

JustRoy: bye. [6:09]

[YellowishDavid left the chat]

JustRoy: I seriously don't know what to do with these idiots. [6:10]

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