(3) Eva

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Being sleep deprived and famished, did not improve her already annoyed mood. She yawned, and looked at the moon. Moving south of the forest, she saw lights. Very few, but she had known that it was the place.
Camp Half-Blood.
She slowly made her way down Half- Blood Hill, recognizing Thalia's pine. Taller than all the other trees. She heard voices. One was slightly familiar. The other? Not so much. Eva frowned, and wondered who would be out this late. No campers where allowed out of bed in camp. She wandered down, and tripped, rolling down the rest of the hill, making no effort to try and get up, until she was at the bottom of the hill, the two voices nearing. Even in the dark night, Eva could see the figures faces as they looked over her, as she was still on the floor. One was a girl with long dark brown hair, obsidian eyes, and an aviator jacket. The other figure, was someone she was hoping to never see again.
Cleo Riddle.

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