Unknown Locations

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Sirius Black P.O.V.
I started to slowly wake from my sleep, as I held my pounding head. My back ached while my eyes seemed to refuse to open. When I finally pried my eyes open I expected to have sunlight right in my eyes, but there was no sunlight. The only light was a few lightbulbs(I know that from muggle studies and books, I am so proud of my good grade in that class. As if made my birth mother furious) on the ceiling. I jumped up to my feet, suddenly alert, ignoring my back protesting the movement. I studied the surroundings. I was in a room with light brown walls, Hogwarts house posters and a large window at the back that was covered with dark blinds. I yanked them open, thinking if the sun hit my eyes then I could tell if I was awake or not. Sadly, I was, and I had no clue where I stood. I paced back and forth, a habit I had developed as I did not want to ruin my gorgeous beauty by taking up the habits many others have.
I felt something slimy yet smooth underneath my shoe as loud cry of pain echoed through the room. I didn't think to identify the voice, to see if it was familiar as my mind was thinking still very fast. I winced as I had done the damage, but after a minute of feeling bad. I realized that meant I wasn't alone in the room. Then I heard a voice I knew very well.
"Padfoot, why did you step on my hand!!!" James, my brother in everything but blood, whined.
"Sorry, Prongs," I felt a bit guilty yet relieved that he was with me. Which made me feel more guilty as I was happy he was stuck in an unknown place, for selfish reasons. After all that his family and he did for me like excepting me into their home. "I didn't mean to, it's just we are in some random place. That I don't know and I didn't see you."
"What do you mean 'random place'" James looked around at the surroundings before gasping in agreement. "You're right" James also took out his wand in case this was a trap. "We should see if anyone else is here with us" James brainstormed "as we were both in the dorm, so Moony and Wormtail might be here too."
"Good thinking, Prongs," I agreed while nodding over exaggeratedly. James grinned, his smile taking up his whole face. We split up agreeing to bring everyone back to the spot, that I had stepped on his hand at (still feel a bit bad about that one) after we had found people. So we both kept bringing people back oen by one, waking them up, and notifying them of the current situation. By the time we met back after painting from going back and forth to various little rooms that were connected to this hallway like space, we were panting and sweating out of breath. And this time I am not over exaggerating or being dramatic, thank you very much *mentally rolls eyes*. "Okay so who have we got Prongs?" I asked after regaining some air.
"Well," He spoke panting "After searching all the rooms here, we have," He pointed to the people as he said their names, "-

Narrator P.O.V.
-Alastor Mad Eye Moody
*Mad Eye grunts*
-Aberforth Dumbledore
*Aberforth whispered to himself, 'you might as well not mention me. He is not gonna know me as you didn't know until I told you my name as my brother never mentioned me'*
-Albus Dumbledore
*Eye twinkles as he fondly smiles at the his friend (Mad Eye) and then towards his brother (Albus' nose...).
-Minerva McGonagall
*'What have you done this time?' the teacher sighed with her hand on her forehead looking sternly towards the Marauders. James ignore her continuing*
*'Ello boys' he waved at the quartet*
-Fleamont Potter
*He smiled softly at the two boys while thinking nervously about how his wife would react if the boys, specifically James and Sirius had something to do with the current situation. 'Mia is gonna kill them if they had even a little bit to do with this'*
-James Potter
*Hey... Mia" James waved sheepishly trying to hid from his mother.
-Euphemia Potter
*'James' she scolded 'What have I told you about addressing me with my name instead of as your mother ' Euphemia frowned*
-James Potter
*"Sorry mum" he grinned cheekily. Causing his mom to huff yet smile a little at her little boy before greeting her nonbiological son/Sirius.
-Marlene McKinnon
*'I was getting beauty sleep as I have a date with Dorcas tomorrow, if any of you ruin it, I will END all of you, except Remus. are we clear' Marlene fumed. Luckily Prongs and Padfoot did the wise option and nodded without another word towards her," Except someone's voice could be heard nearby asking her "Why not Remus". In which Marlene responded with a "Because he's the Gryffindor Casanova, everyone will kill me if I kill him. And I don't want that, because then Dorcas will share me!" Marlene dramatically catastrophised.
-Remus Lupin
*'My Moony!' Sirius cooed, not meaning to say it out loud. Sirius looked down embarrassed while the mentioned boy looked at Sirius and blushed' James and Peter laughed at the two in love boys*
-Frank Longbottom
*'Alice it will be fine' Frank continued to reassure his girlfriend who looked panicked.*
-Lily Evans ('My Lily Flower)
*'Do not call me that you stupid toe rag!' she yelled.
-James Potter
*"No insult no matter big or small, will effect my endless love for you, my darling," James poetically spoke causing Lily to blush for a few seconds before remembering who he is and glaring more harshly*
-Alice Fortescue
*She didn't respond except for a fake and shaky smile that took over her face as she struggled to believe her boyfriend, Frank's encouraging and reassuring words*
-Peter Pettigrew
*"My mom is sick, if I am gone this long, she might become more ill" Peter stuttered. "Or insanely worried" Peter continued. Remus tried to calm the boy down by placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.'*
-(After into part)...
*"Okay, now we just need to find our way out of this maze of a place" Fleamont spoke sternly. Euphemia attempted to use her wand to see if she could leave and get help. But the only thing that happened was a bunch of sparkles coming out of her wand
"My wand isn't working" James'mother commented while pocketing her wand, having concluded it is useless at the moment.
"I can't access any sort of magic," McGonagall informed with a frown on her face. "I even tried to use transfiguration and it failed to work." Everyone else in the room tried to access their magic/escape somehow and none of them succeeded.
Just when all hope seemed lost, a door suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Despite not having there wands for protection and not knowing how to protect themselves without magic. The group of past and current Gryffindors made their way through the door, even the paranoid Mad Eye Moody. As they already knew their was no other escape and they should try their luck.
They were overjoyed to find what seemed like a tunnel that appeared to lead outside. However they soon discovered when reaching the end it led to a room that seemed as if someone brought the outdoors inside and made it glow with magic. They felt in awe of the room, everyone including Mad Eye and Aberforth forgetting their kidnapped situation. That is until Sirius' eyes found a group of people. Ones with perfect posture, perfect hair, stunning beauty, emotionless faces, and he knew right away who they were. He was way less than thrilled to see them. Who would want to see their parents who loved to constantly play the game of, torture and crucio your children, no matter their age of behavior. His grandparents, he didn't mind. He also didn't mind his great uncle Alphard who sat with his cousin Andromeda and her family, be actually loved them. Andromeda wasn't like the rest of his family, she fell in love with a muggle born and left. And his Uncle Alphard, well he was burnt off the family tree by Sirius, oh so charming(most definitely sarcasm) mother, Walburga Black when he tried to defend Sirius.
But when Sirius looked back to the rest of his brother family a ND where they were huddled. Then casting his eyes to a boy jsyf a little younger than him, seeing his condition... Sirius felt dirty and insanely guilty. Until then, until seeing his brothers scars that seems to be revealing as whatever glamour he used, timer was wearing off. Sirius realized that leaving was selfish. That while he was escaping his horrible family. He never once thought of his brother who he had promised to love and care for despite his house.
This brother Regulus Arcturus Black, was left out and ignored, as well as bullied by his brother Sirius and Sirius group, the mauraders. And when Sirius left, not asking regulus to come with him. He left regulus to be tortured 2 times as hard, plus with an extra twist due to Sirius betrayal. Sirius was the only thing keeping Regulus from his parents control, keeping him from making the wrong choices just to stop the torture.
As the other Mauraders looked at their Grimm animagus friend with concern seeing his expression. Almost as if feeling his pain through their tight friendship bond. They watched the usually dramatic, funny, sarcastic, and flirty boy almost break. No, Sirius didn't break from his own guilt like many would have expected, no he broke for his little brother. Who he had betrayed unknowingly and left at their torturous parents mercy without a second glance or any slight hesitation.
Sirius, his friends, non biological parents, and transfiguration teacher could only hope that the boy would be able to handle what might happen... And that since the door they came through has disappeared. They really really really hoped and prayed that Sirius would not break down, being stuck in a room with his past family.
But for now, they could do anything. They could do nothing, but hope for the boys sanity and more...

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