"The Zipline Incident of 83'"Fluff

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"'Micheal god damn it wait Up!.."
"Dude what the hell?"
Mark said Out of Breath looking up at a Strange Wooden platform, Beforehand Micheal,Frederick and Mark were Running around when Micheal and Frederick  went ahead
"Mark Im Up Here! Look at this View!"
Micheal Shouted from Above
"Dude you should Totally come up here! "
"Man I'm taking amazing pictures with this camera!"
Both Micheal and Frederick Shouted
Mark Never really Liked  high Platforms
Or From the Looks of it Zip lines
As He Observed the Area it was a 10 Foot Platform on Loose wood constructed on a Small Pine Tree with the Wire going across a Empty basin River to a nearby Cabin.
Mark Was Ever more Terrified.
Not Because of Micheal their
Micheal he Knew wouldn't do anything to push his. Buttons that far
But of Frederick
"Dude are you coming or your going to be a Crybaby Like C.C?"
Frederick Shouted
Mark Shouted from Below with less Enthusiasm
"Don't Worry Markey! If you Fall Il catch you!"
Micheal said
"Micheal you Idiot.. how Are you going to catch me from up their.."
That's What Mark Wanted to Say but he Did not say anything as he Climbed
The Wooden Ladder Up

"God.. it felt like it was going forever"

Sooner or Later he made it to the top
Observing the surroundings tbeir was Micheal being a Idiot, but He was Cute
And Mark let it Slide he was focused on the Camera he kind of forgot about Mark
Then Their was Frederick
"Phew Thank god.. Now... Since you both got me up here.. How the hell are we going to get down?"
Mark said
"What do you think short stuff the Zip-line!"
Frederick Said
"Uh Uh.. No way I'm not touching that thing.. and Going back.."
Fuck Mark was Stuck.
This is what he gets for following two idiots into a Ten Foot Pine Tree with Zero Safety Equipment.
"To Bad! C'mon stop being a Crybaby and Just Zip-line!"
Frederick Said
"Hey Man chill out..! I can go Down first and Mark.. can go before me so I could well.. help him if he needs it"
Suddenly Frederick Snapped
"No Micheal! You know what I'm Tired of Weak Fucking people I hate god damn Victims! Especially your awful Brother Evan! And Mark your turning INTO one! Now zip-line before I god damn make you!"
Frederick Yelled at the duo
Mark was To taken back to speak
"Back off! If Mark doesn't want to do it the. He doesn't have to fucking do it not stick that finger out of my face asshole before I shove it up your ass!"
Micheal Retorted
"I'm Done! Mark!"
Frederick went over to mark with a Hook,
And Honestly Mark was Scared he was Ten foot high with a 6'4 guy while though Micheal was 6'0 it intimated him
And He couldn't just zip line.. if he did it could break the rust would tear he could fall Ten feet into the dryer up basin
No more Mark
No more Micheal
No more anything
Just a Sharp pain or implement in the back and he would be Dead Gone just like
"'No no no no Frederick Don't-
"Frederick I Swear to God don't you Dare Or I am-
Their Mark went flying down the High rise down the Line
Micheal didn't see much except for the Fog and the pine trees except for a Snap God he was worried
"What the Hell!
"Frederick you don't get to decide what people can and can not do Go fuck yourself what friend you are.."
Micheal Replied to Frederick
He Pushed Past him and Jumped down the Zip line
"Mikey's Gone soft.."

The Zip line was not The best it swirled and the functions failed that only Made Micheal worry.
The Zip line Crashed into the Tree breaking it and making the boy Fall down onto the Bottom Platform.
Micheal quickly got up looking over at Mark Curled up by a Tree he quickly rushed over
"Mark! Mark! You alright dude..?"
"I- He pushed me.."
Mark Replied
"ShSh.. I'm here now don't worry.. your save with me.."
Micheal noticed a bruise and cuts on the boys face so he quickly emptied his backpack and got out some bandages and some medicine
"Take this Mark.."
Mark did not hesitate because for some reason he Knew Micheal knew what he was doing with medicine

"Thanks Mikey.. Thanks.. I- I'm glad we're bestfriends.. Micheal I just wanted you to know that"

"Of course Mark.. your My Number one.. I Could never Hate you.. or stop caring for you"

"I know Micheal.. I Know"

The Outskirts started Pouring and the Two Boys were sitting underneath the Zip-line Station on a Log.
The Small dormat shelter covered them from the Rain. And Micheal started a Small Fire from Moldy Wood Planks, and Soggy Tree leaves

The boys Sat their Near the fire with the fog and the rain outside of them, they sat
And waited
And waited
Micheal had a Ciggerate in his mouth
The boys just had each other

"I don't know what I would Do without you Micheal."

"I don't know what I would do without you either Mark.."

"Let's enjoy this moment by this fire. Just the two of us <3
Before the others coming looking for us.."

Micheal said both boys Covered with the both of their Jackets with Marks red and white Varsity jacket and Micheal's grey sweatshirt.

"Hey Mikey?"

"Yeah Mark?"

"You really need to Stop smoking."

"I know. I love You Loser"

"I love you to <3"

The Boys The. drifted off in between the fire and the. Natural weather and for their they all had each other and that's the only thing they wanted at The moment
To be in between each other's two arms.
That's what Micheal Wanted
And that's What Mark wanted
And for that the two Boys Finnaly had their wish they were together.. <3

Did this Chapter Y'all In the middle of a snowstorm! God it's cold out their but just a reminder please stay safe and stay warm where ever you are and Merry Late Christmas you all are the Best <3- The Author

WORDS: 1056

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