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"Would you say that Guzmán is a violent boy?"
"Are you seriously implying that he would have killed his sister? Guzmán loves Marina, she was his little sister, he would never have hurt her. He wouldn't hurt anyone."

         It had been days now since Cordélia had talked to Ander, she spent most of her time with Guzmán or Lucrecia, trying to avoid anyone who'd ask question about the tennis player. At first, she was mostly angry, but now, she was also worried, he was her friend no matter what was going on, and she couldn't help but worry about him. And it only got worse when he burst into her conversation with Guzmán to yell at the later.

"What the hell did you do?"
"Hey, calm down."
"Do you realise how much shit I'm in?"
"I was worried about you, okay? You're my friend."
"Then talk to me, don't rat me out Guzmán!"
"You know how I feel about drugs."

         The brunette stood in between her friends as Ander was coming closer to Guzmán with an angry look, she didn't care about them fighting with other students, but she wouldn't let her best friends hitting each other's. She pushed Ander back, to make him step away, gosh it was too early in the morning for her to deal with that.

"Enough. Both of you. I won't have you fighting each other so early in the morning."
"It doesn't even concern you."
"It concerns me when you interrupt my conversation to yell at my friend. If you're not happy, then just go on and keep ignoring me."

         The girl left, giving the tennis player the finger, it was too easy for him to make excuses now that she had call him out, she was not a toy he could enjoy until he was tired of it. Cordélia wasn't someone who liked fights, that was the main reason why she was always trying to ease her friends' anger, because she didn't want to see them fight. Not wanting to deal with anymore drama today, she spent her day with her headphone on ignoring everyone.
         The French girl was once again at her Mexican friend's house to work on their project, today it meant that she was working on her laptop and that Lu was harassing Guzmán's phone with calls. She was never working with Lucrecia again, or else she would probably commit suicide.

"I don't understand why he is not answering. Did he tell you what he was doing after class?"
"No, he did not. And I didn't ask because it's not my problem. He's probably working with Miss Palestine on their project, you know the thing WE should be doing."
"How come he didn't tell you? You're staying at his."
"Yeah, so? I'm not his mother, I don't have to know where he is, just like he doesn't have to know where I am 24/7."
"I hate that he is working with her. They're probably hanging out at his place right now, doing God knows why."
"It's Nadia we're talking about, I highly doubt she would do anything else than studying. Plus, Marina is working with Samuel at her place, Guzmán is probably to busy bullying Samuel to care about Nadia."
"Why aren't we going over? To work."
"Because you won't work, Lu, you're just going to stalk Guzmán all afternoon. I'm going home, call me when you finally want to work seriously, because I won't do your part and let you put your name on it."

         And with that, Cordélia left the Mexican's house, not bothering to look at Lu who stood offended in her living room. There was nothing she took more seriously than schoolwork, unless maybe her family duties, and she wasn't going to sit here doing nothing if her friend didn't work.
         Once she was back at the Nunier Osuna's house, she stopped in the living, saying hi to Marina and Samuel before asking where the other two were and then heading to her room to change into her bathing suit. Cordélia needed to empty her head and she didn't know a better way for that than a swim. She didn't even stop to say hello when she reached the pool, she just took her sweatshirt off, it was actually Guzmán's, and disappeared under the water for as long as she could. The brunette loved to feel the water's pressure on her, it made her feel so little in this big amount of water, she would always stay under the water until her lungs were empty, until she had no choice but to go up for air. She did that a few times until her best friend finally spoke to her when her head was out of the pool.

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