Royal Servant & a Cobbler (Part 1)

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I followed Princess Yum Yum while clutching her veil and tiara as she made her way around her room. She is raving about how her dad doesn't believe she is capable of supporting herself. I stay silent though. After all, my goal is to satisfy my princess fantasies. I was taught to defend her and risk my life to save her. I wasn't raised to think for myself; I was raised to follow. I was always close to the princess. I always stood close to her while maintaining a poker face to avoid appearing weak. My father would have wanted that if he could. I only defer to the king and my princess. Zigzag is useless to me; he merely gets in the way and is not time-worthy. For now, he is just dirt, but if he were king, I would revere him.

"(Y/N), What do you think?" I finally draped the veil over her lovely face when she requested me to. "What would you like me to say?" I asked with a small bow of the head. She sighed, which I overheard, and she started moving again. In the hopes that she would remain still, I followed her once more. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing incorrectly.

 When she speaks to me, she consistently seems dissatisfied. Do I still require training? Am I not deserving of her anymore? I took a breath but didn't panic. She is standing close to the window, so I used the chance to place the gold tiara as she turned to face me. I corrected the red feather that was awkwardly leaning in front of her and properly straightened it. I take a step back, extend my arms out, and bow before her. 

"Thank you, (Y/N)." 

I stand up straight and nodded. She seemed irritated as she cast a glance out the window. "Oh no, Zigzag is back. Sincerably, don't you find that man annoying?"

I said, "I don't 'think', my princess. Whatever you believe, I concur." When I replied, she rolled her eyes. I follow her motion to come when she makes it. I stare at my princess, waiting for an order from her. "Take a look outside." I followed her instructions. The tall, light-blue-clad guards were pulling a man who appeared to be pallid, I saw. He clearly is a peasant because of the patches on his clothing. Not worth my time to glance at because he is lower class than me. However, I saw that he looked at me and made eye contact. My princess promptly fled the room as I followed after turning my back on him.

The princess tried to disturb her sleeping father, and I sat down beside them. I'm just a servant, I'm no worthy of standing up as my princess. The voice was audible, "Oh, Great King Nod! Have no fear! Zigzag, your Grand Vizer is here!"

"Oh, it's you, Zigzag." While speaking, my king's eyes almost completely closed. The pale man wearing shoddy clothing and a peasant hat with few hairs sticking out was soon revealed. He walked in a really amusing manner and dropped things from his pockets. Uncertain of their nature. Weapons? I was startled to see the man's face, his puppy eyes staring in admiration, and his relaxed features. His hair was slightly to the right and his eyes were still sparkling. Why? Why is he giving me such a strange look? I also observed that he was holding tacks out of his mouth. Was this some kind of test? I tilted my head to the right to get a better look at him, and he did the same thing.

 I won't lie; when he did this, I felt uneasy. Do I like this? Is he being cute, since I had a pleasant feeling in my heart. I've been trained to be impervious to this kind of material, therefore it's impossible. I cocked my head to the opposite side to confirm my intention to test him. He mimics, tilting his head as well. My attention was soon diverted from the man by the princess, who had been calling me.

"You don't need to scowl at the cobbler, it's all right. He poses no danger." She grinned at me, and I again bowed before her. It was just my natural face; I didn't mean to glare. According to my father, it's a warning to my adversaries. Although I didn't seem to be a threat to this cobbler. I'm feeling joyful... Although I wasn't listening to what Zigzag was saying, Zigzag did snap the cobbler out and his attention was no longer on me. To which I was disappointed... He closed his eyes as Zigzag pointed his finger at him. He made an unusual attempt to flee. He slouched with his feet touching and his back arched. With his staff, Zigzag brought him back, asking, "Shall we take his head away?" He drew the cobbler nearer to him. The princess regarded me with a terrified expression. When I waited her for an order, she muttered, "You must find a way to help the cobbler, please. I'll keep the men busy." What? Save the lowly cobbler? Maybe if he was a royal shoemaker. But what is my princess thinking about the pitiful looking cobbler? No, she must be obeyed. I cannot confront her. "Yes, my princess." I mumbled.

"Oh, well, yes, Zigzag. If you really think so." The king fell asleep, so I had to come up with a strategy. He makes shoes, so maybe if I ruin a pair, he can mend it, and I'll buy him some time to stay alive!

"But what has he done?" My princess question him as she buys me more time. I slid my hand behind my back and slowly grabbed my shoe because I was in the virasana position.

"Attacked me." Zigzag pulled out the tack out of the cobbler's mouth. 

"Oh, really?" Princess questioned him more while arching an eyebrow. I pushed down while putting the shoe against the ground and looking at Zigzag.

"Yes." Zigzag nods in agreement, and the cobbler escapes his grip. The pale man tried to flee once more, but as Zigzag moved forward, the cobbler's foot protruded, causing him to trip. I giggled a little when the shoes split in half, but I quickly covered my mouth in surprise. The entire room was silent, and everyone was staring at me. I never displayed any emotion, nor did I laugh or giggle. I didn't do this. I broke the awkward hush by displaying my black shoes to the royals.

"I'm afraid my shoe is broken. I believed I need a cobbler to fix it for me." I don't look at anyone because I'm embarrassed. But out of the corner of my eye, I caught the cobbler slowly getting up off the ground, tilting his head in astonishment, and staring at me. It got worse when the princess winked at me. "Oh, uh, yes, of course." The king awaken.

The cobbler got closer and continue to look at me. I handed him my shoes which he took with both hands which was a sign of respect from him. Usually, it's meant for royalty. 

"Of course...Oh, Rose for the Land. Your slightest whim is my command." Zigzag became angry at my behavior, which I don't care about, and his face grew crimson. "Go...with Princess Yum-Yum and (Y/N)." The cobbler obeyed the king's orders. First, the princess left the room, then I did so, leaving the cobbler behind. I turned to look behind me to see if he was following me, and sure enough, he was. However, his eyes were soft, and when I glanced at him, his face turned slightly scarlet. As soon as I turned to face my princess, I saw that her finger had curled a few times to draw me nearer. That I did, she said, "I'm going to let you and him be alone. I observed how you regarded him. Try to talk to him, get to know him." 

I said with a straight face, "I understand, princess."

We came to a little space where the cobbler was told by the princess to sit on the carpet, and he did so. "Alright, I have to go and aid nanny. (Y/N), watch over him and make sure you protect him too." I nodded after she winked. The cobbler and I were in the room when she left. Try to befriend him. Why is that?

I was standing next to the cobbler and a rectangular box that was holding a vase with several flowers in it. I couldn't think of a way to talk to this individual, so I just stared at the wall in front of me. I never received training for this. Why is my heart racing so quickly? My posture is awkward, and my hands are also damp. What's the matter with me? He was astonished when I turned to face him right away. It appears I must talk since it's starting to feel awkward between us.



Okay, I'll make a part 2 soon. But in Tack's POV this time ;)

Tack The Cobbler x Reader (One-shots)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz