Not as normal day

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The door slammed behind Ontario and Québec. New Brunswick fainted. PEI was flabbergasted. Newfoundland was bawling on the floor, creating a flood. The horrors.
Nova Scotia was completely in a daze. He had no idea what was going on. All he knew was men.
Canada kicked the door back open, it almost breaking in the process.
"Hello, citizens! I am Canada 🇨🇦 . I have heard the ruckus here, as it is has been recently reported by two unnamed individuals (ONTARIO AND QUÉBEC). I won't say who (ONTARIO AND QUÉBEC)."
"What are you doing here!" Newfoundland stopped bawling momentarily to ask. "We have enough to deal with already."
"I am here to help Nova Scotia 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿! I am Canada 🇨🇦 and I can do anything."
New Brunswick levitated back up, out of her temporary sleep. "You can... help us?"
"Yes! For I am Canada 🇨🇦 and that is what I am here to do." Canada stepped closer towards the man in question. "Nova Scotia 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 ... can you hear me!"
"Ewww a woman..." He looked at Canada in disgust. "I only like men I am so gay." He walked away from the crowd and out the front door, shutting it loudly behind him.
"After him!" PEI declared. They got in their car and drove after Nova Scotia.

After ward - 6 pm
Nova Scotia was on the constant lookout for Ontario. He simply needed to see him once more!
Ontario, in the meantime was committing war crimes. This is how he copes with Gay Nova Scotia.
Canada pulled the car up next to Nova Scotia and aggressively grabbed him and took him back home. Newfoundland was in the back holding a shotgun just in case for desperate measures, and those measures were NOW! He was shot 453 times everywhere, but somehow still lived.
"What is happening!" Nova Scotia yelled, now awoken and completely unharmed. "Why are we in a car."
"Because I, Canada 🇨🇦, am here! We are here to save you!" Canada took her eyes off the road for a split second to look back at Nova Scotia. Unaware of what was happening in front of the car, an enormous fire broke out. They had crashed into something!
"Qhat?" PEI asked, wondering what they had hit with their car. It was Ontario! Yippee! Joyous day!
They all started to celebrate. Quebec enters the scene, mortified. Just kidding he actually does not care he also celebrates.

The End

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