Chapter 29

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It was the next day and they were all so excited to prank the teachers finally.
"Omg I'm so excited!!!" Pansy screamed with delight.
She grabbed fanged frisbees, dungbombs and a load of other devil-like pranks.
"Who we pranking?" Blaise asked.
"Filch" they all said in synch.

After a day of pranking the teachers they ran around the school running away from a filch with warts on his face and a fanged frisbee flying at his head.
They ran into the room of requirement and hid, letting out a sigh.
Pansy and Blaise were laughing hysterically while Draco and Harry looked at each other.
They knew they wanted each other so bad.
Harry licked his lips hungrily as Draco blushed.
They edged closer and their lips met one another and they leaned into each other as their tongues danced with one another.
The kiss was deep and loving and hungry and they both loved each other.

But was it all too good to be true?

Sorry it's short guys been busy but should post more cus im breaking up this Friday.
Love ya

I don't want to be a Malfoy anymore (drarry fanfic) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon