Chapter 1: First Meeting

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The queen scanned her child with horror. The third prince was born with white hair.

The King, along with the first and second prince walk in to see the queen with tears in her eyes.

"Your majesty.." Her voice cracks as she shows him the tuff of white hair on newborn son's head.

The king's eyes lit up with fury. "A demon?" He shouted at the woman as the children stepped away in fear. "After all I have done for you, you give me a demon for a son?"

"My lord-"

"This child is cursed! Cannot you see? The white hair belongs to the unholy demons." He snapped. "He shall never sit on the throne of Tsukiyomi."

The queen looked down at the child. "As you wish, my lord.."

Daiki and Daijiro never minded the hair colour of their brother, treating him as their equal, but on the other hand, the king and the majority of his subjects had different opinions.

On the other hand, in the nation of Amaterasu, a second princess was born, with hair darker than the darkest of nights.

When the doctors checked the child's eyes, they were met with a shade of dark red.

The doctor went rigid as the nurse congratulated the couple. "You're have a divine child, your majesties!"

The doctor cleaned the princess and gave her to her mother. "It is a girl." She smiled.

"Hinata." The mother smiled as the child opened her blood red eyes.

Time skip

Life at home wasn't easy for Daisuke, to say the least.

Never did he think that something as simple as hair colour would have that big of an effect on his life.

The fourteen year old was called by his mother. Daisuke arrived in her chambers and was immediately pulled into a warm embrace.

"My child," His mother cried. "I am so sorry.."

The prince wiped her tears away as she spoke. "Your father, he is planning to kill you! You must hurry! Run! Run to the land of Amaterasu! Please be out of your father's reach."


"No!" She shouted. "Listen to me Daisuke, you must leave for Amaterasu this instant."

She gave him a bag full of necessities and called a trusted guard.

Daisuke left the palace the following night.

Time skip

The King stormed into the room of the third prince with a sword only to find it empty.

"Call the queen this instant!"

Sakura walked into the room, her head hanging low. "Yes, your majesty?"

"Where is that demon son of yours?"

"He left..."

Satoru looked back at the empty matress before smirking. "Good riddance. He impaled the bed with the sword before leaving the queen in the empty room.


Daisuke wandered the dark empty streets, trying to process everything which had happened to him in the past twelve hours.

"DEMON!" He heard someone scream before everything went black.


"Your highness." A knight bowed to the fourteen year old Hinata. "A demon was spotted in the western villages. His majesty as requested you to look into the matter."

Two red eyes stared into his soul as her smooth voice spoke, holding high authority, balancing it perfectly with politeness. "Prepare my horse."

"Wait!" A cheerful voice called out. "Can I tag along?" Hitomi, the first princess asked her sister.

"Of course." Hinata allowed with a small smile.

Time skip

The villagers led them into a small alley but didn't dare to take a step closer to the 'demon'.

The alleyway was dark, hence, the second princess created a fire in her palm, while steering the horse forward.

The light of the flame fell on a mass of white hair, catching the princess' attention.

It blended well with the snow on the road that she almost didn't see it.

The horse walked towards the person before the younger princess got off.

The boy was badly bruised with cuts all over his pale skin. His body shivered, trying to generate heat.

Removing the thick coat, Hinata placed it over the boy's shoulders.

The sudden contact caused the boy to wake up as his light blue eyes met with her red ones.

He slightly stumbled, causing the chains he was tied by to clank together.

The princess drew her sword as the prince prepared for the worst. But instead he felt his arms being freed.

Hinata pulled him to his feet as her horse stepped closer.

It scanned the prince before letting him sit on itself.

Hitomi made sure that he was seated properly before giving a thumbs up to her sister, who sat infront of him.

The villagers waited outside expecting the princess to drag out a corpse, were instead met with a harsh glare from both royalties.

Daisuke still shivered in the cold, despite the thick coat, his weakened body leaned against the princess, his head resting on her shoulder.

Hinata could feel his cold body pressed against her, trying to find warmth, she released some of her energy into their surroundings, encasing them in a bubble of warm air.

"Thank you.." He whispered before falling asleep.

Time skip

Daisuke's eyes fluttered open as he looked around the unfamiliar surrounding.

The silk bed and the golden curtains shimmered lightly because of the sun rays peeking through the window.

The soft fur carpet swayed lightly as a cool breeze danced in the luxurious room.

He wore a light yellow silk robe which reached all the way to the floor.

"You are awake." A voice spoke.

He looked up to see the second princess, he tried to bow to her but was stopped midway.

"I am not that cruel to have an injured guest bow." She stood infront of him as he sat up. "The one who we found out is half demon." Her faint smile vanished.

Daisuke's eyes widened as he tried to defend himself but Hinata placed a finger over his lips to stop him.

"I am not done talking." She pulled her hand back. "To protect you, I have an offer."

"Which is?"

"You become my aide." She walked around the room. "Considering the amount of damage you can withstand, I am sure you must be familiar with weapons."

Daisuke nodded as her smile returned, "It is decided then. You will be my aide." She paused for a second. "I don't think I caught your name."


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