Episode 6-Alliance

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Zion walks through the gloomy grey streets hands in pockets he sees a mugging take place and a robbery seems the avengers second defeat changed them Iron Man has become a heavy alcoholic Captain America Hawkeye and Black Widow have become brutal vigilantes Bruce has been off the grid and Thor has moved back to the Asgard seems Zion has finally understood the full on consequences for his actions

Zion enters his house to Jennifer standing infront of him

Jennifer:Your Late

Zion:I can handle myself thank you very much

Jennifer:Zion it's not safe to be out there past

Zion ignores her babbling and enters his room

He locks his door and walks toward his closet he opens it and pulls a shirt hanging on a hangar forward as a hatch opens below Zion as he falls down a tube the hatch closes

While sliding he whistles he flings out of another hatch and lands on a pillow

He gets up and looks at his secret base he goes to his computer and types images of the avengers appear

Zion:looks like this is the night Cap Widow and Hawk do their nightly attack let's see if we can talk to them

Zion goes to his suit display case he taps a button that scans his finger print the display opens and he taps his wrist watch and his suit forms over him same one from last episode

He stands on a pad with two feet images on it as soon as he matches the feet images he's flung up through a hole

The feet of his shoes release fire as he flies toward them he lands on a roof and looks down on the dark trio "interrogating" a criminal

The feet of his shoes release fire as he flies toward them he lands on a roof and looks down on the dark trio "interrogating" a criminal

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Dark Widow:you think you deserve to live after what you did?! DO YOU

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Dark Widow:you think you deserve to live after what you did?! DO YOU

She punches him square in the face

She then slams his dome against a dumpster

Criminal:All I did was graffiti a wall

Ronin kicks him in the head making his head recoil against the dumpster

Ronin:Doesn't Matter!!!

He slashes the criminals face as a gash of blood is seen across his cheek Jesus

Captain America:Now why'd you do it?

5 pops of explosion are seen as gas clouds the air the man escapes as Zion lands infront of them

Zion:Really you've stooped this low?

Ronin scoffs and throws his blade at Zion who catches it

Zion:Your supposed to be the avengers not murderers

He throws it against the ground

Dark Widow:things change

Zion:not you...your supposed to be saviors you take two Al's so what you always get up and keep going

Captain America:we can't anymore it's too late we've gone too far off the deep end

Zion:No you haven't...the light is always shining brighter then the dark

He holds out his hand

They all look down and then away

Captain America takes off his mask and shakes his hand

Zion:Cmon we have to find your friends

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