Chapter One

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Chapter One;

Maybe 'You Can Be The Powerhouse Of My Cell' Will Be Our Always.

"Alright then, so what did we learn today, class?" Brendon inquired as he paced the front of the classroom.

"MITOCHONDRIA ARE THE MOTHERFUCKING POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL!" The students shouted in unison, packing away their books and beginning to make their eager journey to the cafeteria, only for their departure to be interrupted by the only other biology teacher in the building, Ryan, sticking his head into the classroom.

He met Brendon's eyes with a glare, "I doubt that the student's parent's would be okay with your 'teaching' methods, and I'm sure that school board's thoughts would be quite the same. But besides that, while saying that mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell is technically right, these organelles are also prisoners of the cell. Mitochondria have their own DNA and two membranes-"

"Listen, Mr. Ross, the students don't need to be taught for a second time. I'm fairly certain that I did a good enough job on my own, and as you can see they were just leaving for lunch. can be the powerhouse of my cell anytime you want, if you know what i mean," Brendon flirted, adding in a wink, knowing that his behavior would only annoy Ryan even more.

A few students towards the back of the room snickered, and Ryan just clenched his jaw, refusing to acknowledge Brendon's comment, "Well, like you said before, your students were just about to leave for lunch. So I suppose I'll go now. Because unlike you, I need to teach my students. And I do it properly. And please, for the love of God, keep your blatantly homosexual behavior out of the classroom."

Ryan abruptly turned around and made his way back down the hall, and most of the students eventually followed, trickling their way out of the classroom and into the locker-lined jumble of sweat and hormones. When he was finally alone, Brendon let out a deep sigh, because despite how many conspicuous sexual comments he made, Ryan was always so oblivious. No matter how much he flirted, Ryan never seemed to realize that it was so much more than painless teasing. And no matter how much Brendon hoped and dreamed, Ryan Ross would always be a 5'11" being of pure beauty that it seemed Brendon could never have because of course he had gone to catholic school just long enough for gratuitous homophobia to be ingrained into his very being.

Brendon Urie didn't know very much about George Ryan Ross III, apart from him having unkempt brown hair, a boopable, adorable nose, pink lips that Brendon often caught himself staring at, and large eyes that resembled pools of melting chocolate, eyes that just about anyone could get lost in. He knew Ryan had grown up in Las Vegas, and had gone to a strictly Catholic high school, and knew that Ryan had become a biology teacher just out of spite towards his parents. He also knew that ever since he, Brendon, started working at Clairemont High last year he had supposedly stolen Ryan's 'spotlight', and because of this, Ryan had formed a massive disliking towards the new, openly gay biology teacher.


The cafeteria was an unruly place, a place where teenagers could finally talk and gossip to their heart's content after an excruciating four hours of social deprivation, which, based on the way most of the students acted upon passing through the lunchroom doors, must have felt like coming back into civilization after being stuck on the island from Cast Away. The Freshman class' biggest flibbertigibbet, Lindsey, slid into her usual seat, joining her impatient friends. Her clique consisted of a few girls, Hayley, Jamia, and Sarah, and also a quiet boy with shoulder length, greasy black hair named Gerard, who spent just about all his time staring across the lunchroom at his crush, Frank. None of the girls spent their time in very productive ways either, seeing that they spent the majority of their lives on Tumblr shipping fictional characters. This time, though, they decided to introduce their shipping 'skills' into the real world.

"Okay, guys, so today in biology, Mr. Urie totally made a sexual comment targeted at Mr. Ross, y'know, the usual, but this time I swear you could see Mr. Ross blush!" Lindsey filled in the rest of the students on the situation.

Their eyes widened, and Sarah piped up, "What did Mr. Urie say this time?"

"Something about mitochondria," Lindsey replied, "And powerhouses."

Hayley raised an eyebrow as she looked at her curiously. "How can mitochondria be sexual?"

"Mr. Urie can make just about anything know that, sweetie," Lindsey added, taking hold of Hayley's hand.

A slight blush that was just a shade lighter than her hair appeared on Hayley's cheeks as she pretended to be interested in the crap that was served for lunch. Watery baked potatoes and what looked like chicken noodle soup, but had the smell of rotting fish in a dirty old gym sock.

Jamia just stared into the distance muttering, "Oh man they would be so cute together. And seriously, Mr. Urie does a horrible job of hiding who he's crushing on, almost as bad as Gerard here."

"Hey!" Gerard was jerked back into reality with the sound of his name, "It's not like you guys don't already know...and c'mon, Frank's fucking cute, deal with it."

"Is everyone in this damned school gay-?" Jamia looked around the table as she spoke.

"Actually I'm bisexual, so..." Hayley commented.

Jamia huffed slightly. "Well, is everyone in this school queer then?"

"...yes," Everyone at the table mumbled in agreement.


Ryan was tidying up his papers when he heard a light knock on the classroom door. He glanced up to see Brendon sticking his head into the room, looking uncertain and strangely desperate.

"...Hello?" Ryan questioned, and then motioned for Brendon to come in.

Brendon stepped into the room, still looking abnormally jittery. He was tapping his fingers on his thighs to a tune that Ryan couldn't recognize, and seemed to be avoiding as much eye contact as possible. ", h-hi." Brendon started

Ryan sat up in his chair, looking up at Brendon in an odd manner, "Uh, hey...?"

Ryan had to admit that Brendon wasn't a bad looking guy. He had medium-length brown hair, which he gelled up into a sort of quiff, although it tended to constantly fall back down into his face. His intelligent eyes sparkled with specks of gold when the light hit them just right, and were framed with thick glasses. He was a few inches shorter than Ryan, and had a more muscular build, one that resembled a dancer's, graceful yet strong.

"Hi, er... I'm here to apologize for my behavior earlier today, it was not quite professional. Nor was it appropriate." Brendon stood awkwardly, crossing his right foot over his left, and staring at the wall behind Ryan, "...also, um...can I ask? Just why do you seem to hate my teaching style so much?"

"Brendon, it's not that I hate it, it's just that..." Ryan struggled to find the right phrasing, "It's just that... I don't really know..." He ran a hand through his hair, frowning. "I was the favorite teacher, and all of a sudden you came along and I'm thrown to the side like I'm yesterday's news. I guess I'm just a bit jealous. Whatever." Ryan shrugged and stood up, putting papers and things of the sort into a bag, zipping it up, and slinging it over his shoulder. "It's not your fault."

"Oh, um, I'm sorry...i guess," Brendon whispered as Ryan passed by him, gently bumping into his shoulder.

Ryan didn't even look back, "Don't be. You did nothing wrong."


Wow, first chapter. Nice. Anywayyyyy, thanks to Claudia, @FearTheQueer

for giving me heart breaking ideas for this stupid ass fanfiction. Comments and votes will be appreciated. thANKs


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