Episode 12

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Turbo portal


Ethan: Man I seen this version of me and it was some evil version of me and it been weeks and I can't forget about it

Linda: don't worry he not going to hurt you anymore plus he dead you killed him

Dreamlee: come on be happy your cloudy friend will always be here for you

Ethan: thanks but I still can't Forget

Rex: man I git worse problems then you this book show made me not look like a bully anymore it now make me look like a femboy now even though that is a little big canon

Ethan: and this book show mad me not look like the main characters anymore
It always about Linda now

Linda: well they is a spin off shoe about me called the jonesons it about my family years ago before now

Flyhigh: well new year new you


Ethan: ok im trying to be The main character again but Linda is getting more attention then me

Rex: this year I try not to look like a femboy

Linda: this year I try to be the next wonder woman even though im not wonder woman

Caden: and I don't know why am I even here is this the right cartoon universe world

Ethan: wait a minute what the what happing to your hands

Caden: no no not now everyone run

*caden turns into turbo caden*

Linda: this calls for ummmmm truth girl or girl wonder

Rex: and this calls for grenrexster
Gren_rex_ster (so you can say it right😉

Turbo caden: let play a game

Linda: what the game

Turbo caden: run and murder

Linda: not on my watch rope of trust go

*rope tie around turbo caden*

Turbo caden: oh so you want to get to started well I mean your kinda nice

Linda: sorry but im taken by another guy

Turbo caden: have you not seen my buff chest and nips

Linda: oh wow umm no thank can you stop now

Rex: im can't move I drink root beer and I can't move help

Ethan: hey stop

*Ethan glow yellow and dashed attacked turbo caden*

Turbo: don't think your stronger then me

*turbo caden throws Ethan into a car*

Ethan: ahhhhh

Ethan: how am i supposed to beat this strong kid i need to found a way to beat him some how 

turbo caden: now give up you piece of crap

ethan: no i will not let that slide at all

*ethan power dashed into turbo caden sending both of they into the air*

ethan: don't think im going to let you call me names at all!!!!

*ethan dashed through turbo caden over and over again*

turbo caden: ahhhhhh

ethan: and here comes the mighty powerful finish yellow magmas dash 

*ethan did a yellow magmas dash into turbo caden and destroyed the school by that yellow magmas move*

linda: oh my god ethan are you ok?

Ethan: i guess i am and isn't this a parody

linda: not anymore ethan now it a short movie that tubo kid power can kill anyone fast but to your power he could not kill you fast so you must be careful about the attacks of some people 

Ethan: I know what im doing so you don't have to tell me what to do ,😡

Flyhigh : since when he was that stubborn

Dreamlee : I don't think that Ethan anymore

Linda: well man don't have to be mean about it

Ethan: I just want to be alone now please

Linda: Ethan you ok


*portal show up*

Linda: what is that portal

Rex: I don't know but I think we should run

*portal sucks up Ethan Linda and flyhigh*

*portal close*

Dreamlee: what was that thing

Rex: don't know but it not good

The end

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