Blackberry Baby

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I'm heavily aware that the disdain for masks is downer behavior. I presume that's why I never share what I actually think with others. I'm not a downer. I'm on my Joy, I've always taken it. What doesn't make sense, at least for me, is how a Constable may be on his joy but he doesn't experience all the same side effects that the other Wellies do. I wonder somedays... I wonder. I suppose it's not my place to wonder, though. Were it my place, I would've done my wondering then popped a Joy. Makes life easier, shinier.

Which is why I've taken a heavy handful. Was it eight or nine that I popped into my mouth while I was doing my research? I've forgotten, that must be Joy doing its job correctly. Although, I don't feel the healthy buzz I normally do. Did they change their formula...? No, that can't be it– Doctor Verloc has been using the same formula for years, it wouldn't have changed. And now what with Coconut Joy being produced, it seems even less likely that they'd change it now.

"Wright, Wright, Wright," Vince's voice comes from behind me.

I turn around, staring at the man pestering me. Must he be so hot while being so annoying? Sure, he looks like every other Constable, except those dazzling green eyes that pierce through me in all the right ways. Even seeing him makes me go crazy at the possibilities. But I have self control, contrary to common belief.

"What is it, Ofello?" I ask, pretending to be perturbed.

"Do you have any Blackberry left?" He asks excitedly, "I ran out of mine and Miss Boyle hasn't come around with a new batch yet."

I sigh in defeat as he walks into my room. I open my drawer, pulling out the unopened bottle of Blackberry Joy. Its orange, translucent tube with the pristine white top are fish bait. Vince stares at it, getting giddy at the thought of the Blackberry Joy entering his system and making him happy. I hold it out to him and he begins to take it, but I rip it away quickly, unwilling to let him have it, not yet at least. This agitates him.

"Come on," he whines, "Let me have them, you're not taking them anytime soon."

"You have a problem, you know that?" I ask him, keeping the pills out of reach of him as he tries to grab them from me.

"Yeah, I know, please, just give me the Blackberry," he whimpers.

I lean back in my chair, pulling the pills even farther away from him. He leans over me on his tippy-toes, but loses his balance, falling on me entirely. I chuckle a bit, as he scrambles to his feet.

"Always needing another fix, it's an addiction, and addiction doesn't look good on you," I coo.

"Everything looks good on me," he says arrogantly.

I stop a moment, thinking up a few things.

"Oh, you're right, everything does look good on you," I stand up slowly, causing him to take a few steps back, "Especially nothing."

I take a few paces across the room, still enticing him with the pills. He follows me, still trying to retrieve the happy candy in my left hand. He inches closer and closer, backing me up against a wall. His face, soon enough, is inches from mine. He takes off both our masks, smirking at me devilishly. My heart melts as he pecks my cheek. It takes all my might to not lose it entirely and pull him to the ground. I lean in for more than a peck, for something more substantial, something that will last me longer...

"Ofello, Wright, what the Hell is going on in here?" Constable Turner's voice booms, interrupting our moment.

Vince quickly puts his mask on his face, tossing me mine. I turn away, struggling to put my mask back on so Turner doesn't see me without it. Goddamn masks.

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