chapter 2

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The jet
Hannah's pov
Al was about to touch Dr Faith's helmet.
"I wouldn't touch that if I were you" I  said.
"Why not?" He said.
"Cause that helmet is Billions of years old and from another planet" Maxine said as she came in flipping through pages of a random file.
"It chooses who it wants, touch it" I said.
"Like Kent?" He said
"Yeah, like Kent is literally possessed when he puts it on" I said.
"What happens if I touch it anyway?" He said
"Soul crushing terror.....or something" I said
"So we should probably put a towel on it, right?" He said sitting down.
3rd pov
Then Carter and Sarah came in.
"He'll no boy. Ready stations in five " Carter said
"Hey , why is this Adam dude so pissed off" Al said.
"He's not some dude . He's a weapon of mass destruction " then he looked at Maxine who raised her hand.
"Ya don't have to raise your hand" Carter said
"Question. If he's so powerful then how are we supposed to stop him" she said.
Then Kent and Emma came in
"If we can get him to say the word Shazam" Emma said.
"Teth Adam will lose his power and we're hoping since he's had a few thousand years to sleep it off, we can peacefully negotiate the terms of his existence" Kent said
"From the footage you showed us he doesn't really seem like the peacefully negotiate kinda guy " Hannah said
"Correct " Kent said.
"Look alive, we're here " Carter said as they looked at the jet's holographic front screen. It read   ' now entering KAHNDAQIAN airspace '.


Teth Adam suddenly woke up and used his powers to burn a hole through a Superman poster. Doing that he caused the boy to shriek at the sudden action.
"Don't -don't worry about that. I can get another" Amon said. Then Teth Adam look at the bandages wrapped by his right side of his abdomen.
"My mum's not much of a doctor, you should probably keep that on" he said. But teth Adam removed it and used his lightening powers to heal his wound.
"Or do that" he said . Then he closed his door.
"I know you have alot to catch-up on. But I was thinking we could help each other" Amon.

"Move" teth Adam said.
"I'm Amon by the way " Amon said
"I didn't ask for your name" Teth Adam
"Your teth Adam right?. Everyone in KAHNDAQ knows your story " Amon said
"I said move" teth Adam said.
"My mom said you took out a bunch of intergang soldiers in the desert " Amon said
"Because they wouldn't move out of my way" Teth Adam said.
"So you can really fly and stop bullets" Amon said while teth grabbed him from his collar, lifted him up and placed him out of his way.
"And is it really you stopping the bullets or is it just your suit and sure you're fast but how fast, flash fast?" He said but Teth Adam just ignored him. Then he turn to look at the mirror. Looking at or himself with confused look. Wave his hand and observing it more closely.
"Wait did you really not have mirrors back then?. Wow, I guess alot does change in 5000yrs" he said
"5000yrs" teth Adam said.
"Yeah, that's how long you were in the tomb until my mum woke you up. So you've got stopping bullets, check. Flying , check. Lightening thing that's a big check. Teth walked to the window and opened the drapes to see the city.
"I don't know this place" Teth Adam said
"This is your home" Amon said
Teth was still looking at the city then he spotted a statue.
"Then my home is gone" Teth said

Then they started to go through some of Amon's history textbook he stated some facts
"There the statue, see that's the statue they built of you" he said.
"And now you're back. Are country's been oppressed by one invader after another ever since you left" he said then closed the book and put it down.
Then Teth look at a clipboard. It was full of pictures and drawings of a girl with hearts all over it
"Why do you have a shrime. Is  she some kind of goddess?"teth said.
"What, oh... You mean charmcaster" he said as he let out a small sigh, put his hand on his chin and started dreamingly at the clipboard.
"I don't know if she's a goddess. But she is to me" Amon said while he was still staring.
"So this goddess has bewitched you" teth said
"What, no she' magnificent" he said. After a few moments he snapped out of it.
"My point is... KAHNDAQ still isn't free.we could really use a superhero right about now" he said.
"I'm no hero" teth said then stood up from the bed
"What?!, Supeman, batman, Aquaman. You're way more stacked than any of them and they're not coming to KAHNDAQ to save us. But you can stop intergang all by yourself just like you did King Akton , you're our only hope" Amon said
Then Teth Adam Walked through the wall destroying it

Time skip

In the jet

"He's here" Kent said.
"You can sense his presence?"Maxine asked
"No, I assume he's the only person in KAHNDAQ that can do that " he said as he pointed to the window and they saw Teth Adam flying in midair while carrying two men. Then he looked at them
"Faith, Charmcaster, wonder girl and I will take the lead" Carter said as he got up from his chair.
"Listen, you two hang back here till we call you. We're the anvil  your the hammer. You're ready " he said then approached Sarah.
"The same goes for you. No leaving the jet untill I say so and Don't get any bright ideas and can get you hurt" he said as he used his hands to hold both sides of her cheeks.
"If you die, I will KILL you " Sarah said in and anxious tone . Carter scoffed
"wouldn't have it any other way" he said. Then he  placed his lips on hers giving her a light kiss. Emma gushed at the site
"Aww, so romantic" she said. Then Teth dropped the two men.
"Uh.. he just dropped them" Al said which caused them to pull away. Teth looked them mockingly.
"Shit" Carter said as he press a button that opened the  hatch door and jump out.
"Be prepared" Kent said as he put his helmet on and disappeared.
"See ya" Emma said as she also disappeared.
"See you on the battlefield soon" Hannah said as she also jump out the hatch.
"Good-good luck and she's gone" Al said with a disappointed look on his face.
"Dude, you've got it bad" Maxine said.
"What, she well, wonderful. Get it, cause she's wonder girl" he said.
"Ok, now that was just a bad Dad joke" Sarah said. 'please be safe Carter' Sarah thought.

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