Eternal Love Chapter 27

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With a flash of light she was in her Aunt's bed. She sat up and saw that her Aunt wasn't next to her. She heard more breaking of glass, and immediately got up and ran into the next room. She saw her Aunt had her back to Mi Gu.

"I won't see him. Tell him to never come to Qing Qiu again," Bai Qian stated in a low tone. "I'll go to Heavenly Monarch tomorrow and break off the engagement."

"Yes," Mi Gu whispered, but looked very conflicted.

Mi Gu walked out of the room. She walked over to her Aunt and saw her fall on the bed. Fengjiu sighed, "You're drunk, Aunt."

"Let me be Xiao Jiu...I don't need you lecturing me too," Her Aunt stated.

"All right, I had hoped to explain things to you, but I'll explain it later. I don't have time," Fengjiu replied. She then teleported outside and saw Ye Hua getting soaked from the rain. She ran over to him. "She is too angry now, but she will calm down."

"I will stay till she forgives me," Ye Hua stated defiantly.

Fengjiu sighed to herself, 'No one listens to me

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Fengjiu sighed to herself, 'No one listens to me.' Then she replied, "All right, I must go now."

She teleported to The Winged Kingdom. She saw a bunch of soldiers that looked exhausted. One demanded, "Who are you?"

"I'm Bai Feng Jiu, Of Qing Qiu. I am here to speak with The Winged Monarch," she stated.

They seemed shocked to hear her name and they moved their swords. "We will take you to him."

Fengjiu walked with them into a dark area near the forest. She saw had a platform built, and she knew he was going to summon Qing Cang. She walked over to him. "I am Bai Feng Jiu."

Li Jing looked at her in shock. "You are the Bai Feng Jiu? The one they say that is clairvoyant."

She laughed nervously at his comment. "I think they over exaggerated." She cleared her throat. "Anyway, I know what your plan is. I know you plan to summon him here and try to defeat him...I just need to let you know that it won't work. Though you will weaken him and those around you will die." She knew it was only fair to warn him.

Li Jing laughed to himself. "I went into this hoping to win...but I also did it acknowledging that I might die. So no matter what you say...I stick with my choices."

"I understand," she replied. In truth she really did understand. "I stand by my choices too. Thank you Li Jing...for your sacrifice." She bowed to him respectfully.

"Before you go...may I ask two questions?" Li Jing asked hesitantly.

"Yes," Fengjiu replied. "Though I am not sure if I can answer, I will try."

"Will...Bai Qian be happy in the end?" Li Jing inquired with a sad look on his face.

"Yes," she smiled at him. "She will be more than happy."

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