Epilogue Again

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Hello Hello
This is the same story but from a different perspective
Ava's perspective
But of course since this is a new story let's start with a recap
After a terrifying vision done seen by D'Andre he and Jac went and stole the backstory to these 2 new leaders Darkness and Despair as well as The Overlord and the Dark Dimension as a whole
There was an attack coming and D'Andre (using this plan he came up with) attempts to counter and stop it
Ava on the day of the attack... (Ava's POV)

As it was planned, it was me and Kai up against Despair. We were supposed to protect the school and protect our friends, but these guys were too tough to hold back. As soon as Despair yelled charge, I changed into my reality warper form and went to work. I start with something simple, light based attacks, since we still needed to weaken them. It got to a point, where Despair chuckled and that bursted her into insanely loud laughing. She thought it was funny. I got angry.

"This shouldn't be funny, BITCH!" I shout in full anger. This only makes Despair smirk harder.

"Trust me, child. This is just the FUN PART!" Despair warns me, as she forms a giant knife that seemed so similar to me that I instantly froze. I...I could only see flashbacks but it was a horrifying sight. Stranded place with no one in sight and a dead kid right there with a bright, almost cosmic knife right by the body. It's horrifying.

The knife comes flying straight at me. All I could do was stare at it, waiting for the same fate as that kid. Thankfully though, right before it jabs right through my upper half of my body, Kai jumps in front of me with a giant shield. The shield continued to fall back further and further, until it shatters both itself and the knife, which thankfully meant both Ava and Kai were all completely fine, but confused about that knife.

The split millisecond they took to ponder this, Despair found this fight to be a bit unfair. "Well now." She taunts even more. "I like the determination, but..." starting off that statement with a chilling cynicism, before putting a hand to the ground and causing a wall of inky dark magic punts Kai into the school doors, "I thought this was a 1v1." Despair starts chuckling, which really frustrates me.

In a fit of rage, all I could do was roar consciously, before my body kicked in, and I went all out. Each attack I did caused shockwaves. It was bare hands with light magic mixed in with space bending wrapped around my hands. She clashed with me. It wasn't long, however, before my energy all caved in, and I get decked in the face, sending me straight into Kai at speeds that could literally kill the strongest man on Earth without Type 1's power.

It was then, when the last one to hit the crowd was D'Andre, that we officially lost. There was nothing we could do. We all then get spread out, and immovable due to Sbrac members strangling us. We were all captured and put through portals. My portal looked awfully familiar to a lego mini figure head. We all fall through the portals and they get closed off.

Suddenly, I'm floating through this spacious portal with...Type 1's powers dealing with a dark figurehead. If things couldn't get any worse, the figure announced that it's about to explode in a minute. The exact amount of time for me to reach a dimension.

This should be where I accept my death, but heck no! I try to stretch it out, so I can kick it out of this portal space, but to no prevail. I was doomed...then I wasn't. I look down and witness the Sbrac members melt off of me, powerless to do anything further. Was this a miracle? Was this a last second decision by D'Andre and Type 1? Whatever's the case, I was alive and making it to the other dimension.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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