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It was late. Like late late late. Sebastian bit his bottom lip in frustration. 'This dude's gonna get one big ass whooping from me I swear.' He sat in utter despair as the clock kept ticking. It was already 9.15 p.m. and they had always met at 8.00 p.m., more or less. Being late was one thing, but he got no business to be this late.

Just as Sebastian was about to call it a day and went home into the embrace of his soft, comfortable bed, a blonde figure walked in with a stupidly sheepish smile.

'Sam, you really don't have any watch hm?'

Sebastian muttered in disbelief as he stood up and walked towards the pool board. Sam laughed, shook his head and got into a position.

'Sorry, dude. I had this urgent matter to attend to. Really sorry.' His eyes scanned around the room, obviously looking for someone. Sebastian did not bother to answer his unspoken confusion, instead he just straight up abandoning him in which Sam was unsatisfied in.

'Abigail?' He had to ask. Sebastian looked unbothered as he brushed off his long, black bang out of his sight. Man, his bang really ticked me off. I should recommend him my perfect hair gel.

Sebastian shrugged lazily. 'Apparently, she had a stomachache and could not get out from her bed.'

'Really? Is it that bad? And damn dude, you really know everything about Abi huh?'

Sam sent a teasing smile at Sebastian which he ultimately ignored.

'Should I go easy on you again today?' He swiftly changed the topic, reeling Sam off as that blonde dude started to get pumped up.

'I'll win today, don't you dare go easy on me,' as he started, Sebastians's mind quietly drifted off to Abigail. I hope she's okay though. I have already bought her medicine anyway; she should be okay.


The rocky path leading to his home was dark and eerily silent but it calmed Sebastian down. After playing pool for two hours with Sam, they decided it was time to go home and parted ways. Sam's house was a few blocks away from the saloon they went to every Friday night while Sebastian's was conveniently in the mountain. Neat, huh? And people ask why he was so moody and anti-social all the time.

Well, firstly, he hated this town. Pelican Town, stupid name for a town and also as boring as its people, except a few people of course. Sometimes, he wondered how life was at the big city. He heard that there was a city near here. Zuzu city. It was his dream to one day move and work there. He was sure, life would be less depressing there.


He heard someone's voice in the dark and flinched in surprise. In the darkness of the unlit parchment, a slender figure of a girl emerged. The purple dyed hair of hers was enough to make Sebastian sighed in relief. He thought he was going to get jumped by weird people, maybe bandits or elves. He had heard a lot of weird rumors circulating around that there were a group of elves stealing people's things. 

'What are you doing, you should be resting at home now,'

Taking off his jacket, he draped it around Abigail's shoulders. The night was pretty cold up here in the mountain. He was already used to it but Abigail was different. To add it up, she had a nasty cramps earlier and her mood was also as stable as his family relationship. 

'I'm okay don't worry. The pain has subsided, thank you for the worries though.'

Swiftly, Abigail handed over a piece of round rock. He observed it in a shock. It was definitely a geode judging from the hollow cavity lined with crystals on the surface of it. It was only a basic geode from the appearance of its rugged spherical stone but it still was a definite proof that Abigail had gone to the mine. 

'You went mining? Abigail, I thought we had talked about this. Don't just go there alone, it's freaking dangerous.'

Sebastian glared hard at Abigail as the girl just shrugged off his warning with a light chuckle. Her dark purplish hair softly blew in the night, chilling wind. Sebastian was itching to tuck her hair behind her ears but his sanity held his hands from acting out.

'Seriously, I'm okay. Do you think I'm that weak, lol. Anyway, hurry up home, it has past your bedtime.'

She joked while playfully bumped her curled first to his shoulder. Scoffing, Sebastian turned his heels and started walking, leaving a startled Abigail a few steps behind.

'Hey, where are you going?'

Abigail trailed slowly behind him, watching her every steps in the dark, rocky path down the mountain.

'Walking you home.'


He sighed in exasperation. Sometimes, Abigail always acted like she was not a girl to not appear fragile but she was indeed, biologically, still a girl. And by logic, he was far more well-versed in the way of the mountain than this cheeky girl.

'Just a sense of responsibility. Now stop yapping already.'

He did not see her but he knew she was puffing her cheeks in annoyance right now. He had known Abigail since she was six. Her every traits had etched well in his mind now. He knew she hated to be discriminated due to gender as her father usually did but sometimes, she was too stubborn for her own good. 

'I stopped by your house for a while earlier.'

Carefully, Sebastian threaded down a sloppy dirt meant as a road down to the town and reached out his hands, helping Abigail and preventing her from falling face first into the dirt. The sound of a streaming river filling up the silence of the night, acting harmoniously with the singing of the crickets as a calming cacophony. The water glistened beautifully from the peeking moonlight behind the looming, white ribbon upon the dark sky. 

One thing Sebastian loves deeply from this small town; the scenery. Perfect for night gazing. 

'Hello, earth to Sebastian?'

'What is it again?'

This time, it was Abigail who sighed.

'I stopped by your house. Your mom said there's a new girl moving in tomorrow.'

Abigail threw her gaze at the dark sky doted with a few sparkling stars. From afar, it looked so majestic, like a cluster of diamonds clattering on the wide, vast sky. 

'Huh, moving in? She must be crazy.'

'It's you who are crazy.'

'Well, crazies acknowledge their species.'

Abigail chuckled again. Sebastian looked back. Her cheeks were red and a puff of cold air formed from her breathing. Majestic. He thought silently as Abigail kept chattering about her short journey in the mine at the mention of the word 'crazy'.

'It's crazy but the gooey, transparent thingy in the mind was sooo cute. Too bad it's a bit aggressive so I can't bring it back as a pet.'

Enthusiastically, she formed a small round shape in the air using her whole arms, exaggerating at how cute and small the 'gooey transparent thing' was and how good it would be if people could build a castle or anything for them to be kept as pets. Sebastian rolled his eyes. The world would be ending if there was someone actually wanted to build something just to take care of a few hopping, gooey slimes. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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