Chapter One

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"What do you think our wedding will be like?"

"Now you and I both know that you and your mother will plan the entire thing, love. You'll probably only ask for my opinion when it comes to food.

"... Perhaps you're right darling, but still. I'm looking forward to it. Our beautiful and wonderful wedding, surrounded by our friends and family. A day that we will talk about with our children."

"With our little boys Alaric Phoenix and Etamin Jacek Malfoy-Potter and our little girl Talulla Gemma Malfoy-Potter."

"You don't —"

"No my love, I don't want to name our children after people who have passed. I understand how others would want me to use those certain names, but I don't want to. I don't want our children to feel like because they're named after these people that they have to live up to those same expectations, you know? I just want our children to have names that are their own."

"I understand love, I really and truly do. I can't wait until you and I say I do."

"Neither can I, love. I love you, Draco."

"And I love you Harry."



Harry let out a groan, once again his favorite dream coming to an end and having to go back to his reality. He sat up in bed, turning off his alarm clock before letting out a sigh.

Today was going to be a hard day for him, it was every day. The day that never happened, the day he and Draco were suppose to say I do.

"Harry! Will you get your lazy ass out of bed and come deal with your ridiculous child?!" Ginny yelled out for downstairs. Harry let out a sigh and practically had to drag himself out of bed. He was always like this after having dreams like this. It was like a switch, he was happy and carefree while dreaming yet once he was awake, he was back to being cold and distant.

Because even though this is the life he had to have, he didn't want it. He didn't choose it yet he had no choice.

He got into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, it had been years since he stopped recognizing the man he was currently looking at. He was no longer the same man, he had to be someone he didn't want to be.

With another heavy sigh, Harry began washing his face, brushing his teeth, shaving (Even though Draco always loved his beard, his... wife did not). When that was said and done, he placed his wedding ring onto his finger and headed downstairs. In the kitchen, his wife was making breakfast while their son, James, was sitting at the tablet coloring while eating some cereal.

"Good morning, daddy!" James said with a mouth full of chewed up food. Harry let you a hum and grabbed a mug to make his coffee so he could be somewhat of a person before heading to the office.

"Good morning, honey!" Ginny said as she hugged Harry from behind, trying to kiss the male's cheek, but failed due to Harry turning his head.

"Morning." Harry wasn't in the mood for conversation, he never was.

Ginny huffed and crossed her arms, leaning next to Harry. "Harry, it's been ages since you and I have shown affection. I know you are not a very affectionate person, but I am your wife! You should want me to hug you, kiss you, hell! The last time we had sex was—"

"When James was conceived, I know. You don't have to keep telling me this. I told you how things would be the dad my... father set this whole thing up. I told you that this is not the life I wanted, I've said that since day one, Ginevra. None of this was my doing." Harry spoke in a cold tone, clearly being done with this conversation already.

It was the same situation every day. He didn't so any affection to Ginny so now he was such a bad husband. He was never a big fan of PDA to begin with so why would he be now? Especially with the situation they were in.

There was no love in this marriage, at least from Harry's side. He did what his father told him to do and that was it. He had to marry Ginny, they had to have at least one child, and then we would be the CEO of Potter and Co., that's exactly what he wanted in life, right?

Wrong. So very wrong.

"I'm going to work." Harry finally spoke out again and walked over to James, kissing the boy's head before heading upstairs to change and make himself presentable for the day.


"Harry James! You are late!" Hermione, Harry's personal secretary and one who he used to say was his best friend, came running towards him as soon as he walked into the building. He paid her no attention and kept walking towards the elevator.

"Harry! Are you listening to me?"

"No." Harry replied before looking at Hermione, who was now practically chasing after him. He pressed the button that his office was on and watched as the doors closed before Hermione could reach him. He smirked and let out a slight chuckle before letting out a sigh.

He was already over today. Once he got to his office floor and walked out, he placed his hands in his pockets once he heard Ron's voice.

"Harry mate!" Ron said as he slapped his hand onto Harry's shoulder. "Ginny called mum and said you were rather rude to her so you need to send her some flowers and apologize, alright? Oh and family dinner is tonight!" Ron was rather giddy and don't say much more before taking off and leaving Harry alone.

Harry opened his office door and walked inside, closing it behind him and locking it. He didn't want to be bothered. He walked over to his desk and sat down, leaning back as he looked up at the ceiling. He then pulled a necklace out from under his shirt, rubbing a ring that was on it.

'I could really use your strength right now, my love'. Harry thought to himself before closing his eyes.

It had been years since he laid eyes on Draco. Their split wasn't what he wanted, but what Draco wanted. To this day, he still didn't know why, but he respected Draco enough to leave him alone. The man was always on his mind, however. There wasn't a day that went by where he didn't think of Draco.

He wondered where the man was, what was he doing, if he had eaten today, how was he feeling, was he happy.

People could sit here and say that Harry was happy because he had a wife and child, but he wasn't happy. He only married Ginny because his father wanted him to and if people only knew about James, he would have been long gone, but his father said he had to be a man so he couldn't leave.

But he wanted to. He wanted to leave and never return. He wanted to find Draco and have the life that they dreamed out, they talked about, they planned out.

His thoughts were broken when his phone rang. He didn't bother to see who it was, he just answered it and placed it to his ear.


"Hello, is there Harry Potter?"

"Yes it is. May I ask who is calling?"

"I apologize, sir. My name is Dr. Meghan. I'm calling on behalf of Draco Malfoy."

".... Draco?"

"Yes sir, you are listed as his emergency contact."

"Is he okay?!"

"I will not say over the phone, but I will give you directions to my office, sir."

The conversation continued for a bit before it ended and Harry just sat there.

He didn't know what to think, he hasn't seen Draco in years and now, he was about to see him again.

However, what Harry didn't know was that the Draco he would be seeing, was not the same Draco that he saw and knew years ago.

This Draco, was going to be life changing and Harry just didn't know how life changing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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