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18 January 2015Thursday3:00

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18 January 2015

It was currently 3am and Reign was sitting in the living room.

She wanted the demon to appear.

She wanted to find out who he was.

"Bold of you to be out here."she heard a demonic voice whisper making her look around but not see anyone.

"I thought I would like you,but here you are trying to do shit behind yo sister back."he said as he stood behind her.

"I just want to know who you are,I've never seen Snow get sad over something so you must have done something serious."she said still looking around.

"She got sad?"he asked as his voice softened slightly.

"Yeah,I think she might've been crying cause her eyes were red when I saw her."Reign said.

"Now what if she ain't want me knowing that?"he asked wrapping his hand around her throat from behind.

"Stop!"she slightly yelled as she struggled to get out of his grip.

This is even harder for her as she couldn't even see him.

"Snow!"she yelled as she felt a headache forming.

"What's going on?"Alyssa asked walking in the living room.

"Reign,what's happening?"she asked rushing over to her daughter.

"Get Snow."Reign whispered as her vision started to fade.

"Snow!"Alyssa yelled running until she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"Stop!"Alyssa yelled.

"Get away from her."Snow said slowly walking downstairs as the lights began flickering on and off.

"Didn't I tell you to be prepared?"he questioned squeezing Reign's neck harder.

"I'm more than prepared.
I'm more than prepared."Two voices said.

Just then Snow vanished as the lights switched off.

"Where you at baby?"he asked shoving Reign forward as he looked around causing her to gasp for air as Alyssa quickly rushed over to her.

"I'm here daddy."she said from behind him.

"Fuck Mal,what I say about calling me that?"he questioned turning around to not see her.

"I'm here."she said on the stairs.

"He finna whoop yo ass,you know you not supposed to use it."he said.

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