Orphanage girl(Cha13)

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Jiya~ "Wooow Darshan you were really something you was so desperated that you followed me "

Darshan~ " You was thinking wrong I didn't followed you "

Jiya ~ " Stop lying Darshan I had saw you followed me from my building
I pretend to not see you "

Darshan lowered his face & Said sorry to jiya

Jiya asked him did he really wanted to know abt her past?

Did it really so important for him?

He lifted his eyes saw in Jiya's eye's & said "yes"

Hearing Darshan Answer Jiya held Darshan Hand tried to took him somewhere but at that time a little girl came to Jiya little girl name was titli she asked " Jiya didi where you going? & who was he?

"Your boyfriend "

Jiya didn't said anything only gave smile to titli

Darshan had saw Jiya's smile & he felt happy coz Jiya didn't said to titli that Darshan was not her boyfriend she didn't denied

he always knew Jiya love him but something stopped her to say now he was sure that Jiya love him

Jiya took Darshan outside of the orphanage there was a garden near of that orphanage in that garden there was a big mango tree below that mango tree was a bench Jiya took him there & told him to sit

They both sat there

Jiya POV

Jiya~ "this is my favorite place whenever I felt said & worried, pain , stress or anything bothered me I came here this place gave me peace

So where from I started ok let's started from this ply why I came here? I felt home here coz I'm was orphanage girl"

I was talking but obviously Darshan interrupted me I know if I didn't stopped him he would continue doing this he was so impatience person
He was so curious person asked questions all the time

I said her " Darshan if you continue disturbed me then how will I complete my story

So from now would you stopped talking & put finger on your lips

First he hesitated but at the end he did what I say he looked so cute when he put finger on his lips


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