Two: December 2nd

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He stands behind Harry, watching as Louise walks up the aisle. 

He must admit, the resemblance between them is uncanny. She looks like the female version of him. They have the same eye colour, same hair colour. They're basically the same height. They have roughly the same body shape. Hell, they basically have the same name. 

Anyway, it's purely accidental. 

Harry's glowing, happiness and love radiating off of him.

His long curly hair is (for once) tamed, cascading in soft waves down his broad shoulders. His pink, plump lips are pulled into a dazzling smile, white teeth on display. His bright green eyes sparkle, shining happily. The suit he's wearing; a light blue with gold embroidery on the sleeves (similar to Louis', sans the embroidery), a few light blue and white flowers in his lapel, hugs his figure, tight across his broad shoulders and back, dipping in at his waist. His biceps bulge in it, his strong legs clad in the tightly fitting trousers.

He's beautiful. The perfect balance between masculine and feminine. Everything Louis' ever wanted.

He isn't the one marrying Harry, though. He isn't the one promising love and eternal devotion to Harry, no matter how much he wishes it was him.

"Does anyone here, for any reason, think that these people should not be joined in holy matrimony?" The officiator says, and it takes all of Louis to not yell out 'Me! Because I love Harry'.


Just as the receptions about to start, Harry grabs his arm, pulling him aside. "Lou, do me a favor?"

"Sure, man. What is it?" Louis says. No, his stomach didn't flutter when Harry grabs his arm.

"Louise wants, like, pictures, and I know we have a professional photographer and that's literally their job but they're not gonna be taking pictures of stuff, just the proper stuff. She wants pictures of the party, you know? I told her I'd ask you."

"Of course, Harry. Want me to do it on my phone?" Louis asks.

"No, no. I've got a camera." Harry says, handing him it. "You know how to use it, yeah?" Louis nods, and Harry hugs him.


Louis finds himself constantly pointing the camera at Harry the drunker he gets. The first dance, he doesn't think Louise even made it into the video, to be honest.

He does spend some time with Harry, obviously, and they do take a picture together as groom and best man, but it just feels like he's already lost his best friend to Louise.

He doesn't mind. He knows some guys can become slightly less close to their childhood best friend when they get married, and, hell. Louis doesn't wanna try to stop them spending time together.

It's just the burning jealousy. He's losing Harry, as well as not being able to have him.

Louise whispers something in Harry's ear, pointing at him, and Harry weaves through the crowd of happy drunks, all patting him on the back.

"You ok, Lou? You look kinda glum." Harry says, taking the seat behind him.

"No, I'm fine, H. It's your wedding for crying out loud, go enjoy yourself. Don't worry about me."

"Oi, as my best friend and best man you are obligated to tell me. Alright?" Harry demands. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, it's just... You're getting married. And I don't have anyone."

Larry, Actually.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora