Chapter 1 - The beginning

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Noises echoed everywhere. Like usual, band practice was in session. Konner was blasting it on the Drums, Olive was killing it on the Bass and me and Faith were singing harmonies like there was no tomorrow. And Carson? Well he was just watching our performance as usual and critiquing our every mistake

"I wanna dance, the music's got me going (the musics got me going)

Ain't nothing that can stop how we move, yeah (hey)

Lets break our plans and live just like we're golden

And roll in like we're dancing fools (like we're dancing fools)

We don't need to worry

'Cause when we fall, we know how to land (we know how to land)

Don't need to talk the talk, just walk the walk tonight

'Cause we don't need permission to dance"

The final note struck out. Since the band was formed 6 months ago, we have improved tremendously. Although, deciding on a name for us is impossible. Nevertheless, the progress we have made is amazing.

"Well done guys." Carson spoke. "Olive, make sure you hit that last note. Faith, your harmonies need to be at a higher pitch to show the contrast between yours and Jesse's voice. Jesse, make sure you get the right emphasis from your guitar to get the right dynamic; and Konner, well you were great as usual."

Konner looked clearly embarrassed from this. I gave him a reassuring look, not to make him feel singled out for the affection he received. His worries faded because of this.

"Yo, Carson. Any update on the gigs yet? I'm getting impatient. I'm dying for the chance to perform for others?" I asked eagerly.

"Yeah, I agree with them. I just wanna get on a stage and show them what we're all made from" Faith said in agreement.

"Unfortunately not. Look guys, I'm trying but you're gonna have to be patient with me when I'm trying to book these sort of things out for you all. Maybe it's for the best that we haven't gotten any updates. Jesse only just started the band 6 months ago so it would give you guys to improve and make sure you're giving your best performance for when you actually get to perform."

As much as I didn't like to hear this, he did have a point. We had only started out, so we were probably newbies in the music industry. We needed the chance to strengthen our synergy with each other and co-operate as a team. Plus we need to get better at performing with each other and trusting in each other's ability. As well as getting better strength in our instruments and confidence. It would be ages before we got our big break. Right?

PING! All our phones went off at once

"Guys 'The Shark' just tweeted something. Take a look." Konner said

Immediately our full attention went toward this tweet. We couldn't believe it


'I have realised that so many of my fans are aspiring musicians, yet so few get their 'big break' in the music industry. And I wanna do something about it. I'm hosting a music competition to see the talent that the world has to offer. Not only will the winner or winners get £100,000 as prize money, they will also get the chance to tour with me next year for my new album debut. It's about time we shine the light on someone new. Rules will follow within the next few hours on how to enter. Good luck sharkinators.

Peace Out

The Shark'

My jaw dropped to the floor. 'The Shark' was going on tour? He's hosting a competition? He's touring with a random musician? Could this be the big break we need? Could we even do it? Questions were zooming through my head like a freight train. All of a sudden, Olive broke the silence, which was greatly needed.

"We have to enter, right? I mean it's a no brainer." she stated.

"Oh yes. We are definitely entering. We could meet 'The Shark' and tour with him. Plus we could win £100,000. We'd be rich, and the talk of the town too." Faith agreed.

"Now hold on a second." Carson chimed in. "Are you sure we are ready for this? You've only been practising for 6 months. There are gonna be musicians who have been a thing for years. You haven't got much experience in the music industry and you're only just starting. Don't get me wrong, I want to meet 'The Shark' just as much as you guys, but are you really thinking this through properly?

"Oh we are definitely ready Carson." Olive said Firmly. "Haven't you seen the movies? This is how it starts. The underdogs get the chance at their big break. They think it's impossible for them to do it, but despite the odds being stacked against them, they win and stand victorious."

"What movies are you watching?" I jokingly ask. "But seriously, I think that we should do it. We probably won't win, but it would at least be a learning experience for us to know what the music industry is like. Also, although we've only been practising for years, we've all been playing our selected instruments for much longer so we already have the skills required; all we need to work on is our synergy with each other. What about you Konner?"

"Personally I think we should do it but I think we need to decide on a sleepover. We should know all the details before we jump into anything too crazy."

Everyone nodded in agreement. After mum gave permission for Faith and Carson to stay over, we set up. Devices surrounded us. We had to make sure we got the latest information on this competition. We were not fooling around. Mum gave us the living room to stay over in, so snacks and movie watching was the go to till we got an update.

We all gazed our attention to Mitchells vs the Machines, one of the best movies in cinematic history. I couldn't help but think of the opportunity that had potentially arisen. There we all are, with the greats, our band name in lights. Fans screaming and chanting our name. The fantasy playing in my mind repeats itself as I daydream. Is our life gonna be real like the movies, or just a fantasy playing in our heads?

WHACK! A pillow smacked me round the face knocking me down. I look up to see everyone about to engage in the most epic of pillow fights.

"Hey!" I shouted. "Who threw that?"

Fingers pointed all directly at Faith. Faith had a look on her face like 'seriously guys you really had to dob me out'. And I thought snitches get stitches. However my shock quickly turnt in a smirk.

"PILLOW FIGHT!" I shouted.

Pillows began flying back and forth throughout the living room. I dodged left and right trying to make sure I didn't get hit again.

THWACK! Olive landed a hit by Konner.

WHACK! I threw my pillow at Carson.

THUMP! Carson landed his pillow on Faith.

We continued to dodge and trade blows back and forth. Laughter and excitement filled the room as we continued our pillow fight.

PING! All our devices went off at the same time. Laughters stopped instantly and we all stared down. We all picked up our devices and were shocked with what we saw.

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