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Yeaaaaah :3

I have shiaz to say.

Thank you, you Weirdos xD for The reads, Votes and comments x3

Thank you~ <3

Here you go!


~Ban's Pov

I was walking around the castle Eating Something as usual.

Until i saw Merlin,

"Sup, Merlin" I greeted

"Fox's Sin, Ban. I need you to do something" she said smirking as usual too

"Your Face is scary, It Depends on what im gonna do." I chewed on my Sandwhich

"I need you to go with Captain and King." She told me

"Go where Exactly?" i asked

"To get their Beloved's Cure for their loss of memory"

"Wait, Cap'n Finally admitted it?! Im so proud!" I exclaimed

"Too much for our expectations, He was clueless" She sighed

i Facepalmed "Of course he was,"

"So, where are they supposed to go?" I asked

"The Fairy Realm and Danafor" She smirked

The Fairy Realm

"You revived Lady Elaine already right?" She asked

I was shocked of what she said "How did you know?"

"I know alot of things that you dont know, Ban." She smirked

"And how does that Relate to me coming with them?" I asked

"You Could see Elaine again, Since she took King's Place To protect the Realm"

"But what about Cap'n?" I asked. Cap'n told me to come with him When he went to my cell long ago, How can i turn my back on him now? After all we've done.

"That's your Decision to make, not mine." She smirked

But Elaine...

"You can just think about it soon,"

"Captain wont force you to do anything you dont want to do, Since your Love is at the fairy realm" She said and i looked at her

"Just saying" She put her hands up

"So, You accept?" She asked

"Yeah, Sure. I'll go" I willingly accepted

"Good" She smirked and walked away

~Merlin's Pov

Good, Ban's Coming with them.

I wont need to make Gowther come with them since he wont be really needed.

But if he is, Captain would just send a signal or something.

"Now, I just need to talk to the two" I looked for King and Captain

After a while of walking around this huge castle, Once i found captain, I found King too

"Captain, King" I called, They both looked at me and walked towards me

"What ya need?" Captain asked

"You guys are going today?" I asked

"yeah" They both said at the same time

"What? Captain? You're going somewhere?" King asked

"yeah, To get The Apostle Goddess' Sacred Flower" Captain said

"You're gonna get that flower?!" King exclaimed

"What about it?" Captain asked

"It may be the most powerful flower in the universe, But in obtaining it, Is impossible!" King Exclaimed

"Well, That's not gonna stop me from getting that anyway." Captain said in a cheerful voice

King facepalmed

"Why are you getting it anyway?" King asked

Captain looked down "To get Elizabeth's Memories back"

King went silent.

"What about you, Where are you going" Captain tried to change the subject

"The Fairy Realm, To get chastiefol's Twin to get Diane's Memories back too." King answered but the Tension in the air was still there.

"The Word impossible Isnt in your Vocabulary right now is it?" I smirked and they lopoked at me with Confused faces and i brushed it off

"You two are going to obtain your lover's cure for their memories, You better team up then to go get them" I said

I could already feel King blushing. I looked at Captain.

Oh? Is that a blush i see? (Better be! xD okay.. you can continue im sorry xD)

An Evil smirk made its way to my face

"so, are you guys good with that?" I asked

They both nodded

"But King, Cant you just teleport there?" Captain asked

"The Twin Chastiefol is Beyond the Boundaries of the Fairy Realm, I cant Teleport there. So i have to go to the Real Entrance."

"Real entrance?" i asked

"Yeah, If i wanna go to the boundaries, then i gotta go to the real Entrance to the Fairy Realm"

"Understandable" I nodded

"But where is it?" Captain asked

"Near The Kingdom of Danafor" King said

"What a Coincidence" Ban said behind me

"it seems both of you are going to The same place~"

Dead Silence.

"Yeah," Captain and King said at the same time

"Bring Ban with you" I said and they looked at me

"Is it Bad to bring him?" I asked

"no, Nothing's wrong bringing him right King?" Captain asked King and He nodded

"Then Let's go Tonight, We'll go on Hawk's Mom" Captain said

"Roger" King and Ban said

"Good Luck Men." I walked off

~Ban's Pov

"Wait, What'll the girls say about this?~" I asked

"We cant possibly Bring them" Cap'n said

"Yeah, Besides. They dont remember Anything and They'll be in danger So they'll have to stay here." King agreed

"Atleast make a way for you guys to contact each other, or ask something from Merlin For you guys to talk to them even if they Forgot about you They'll still miss you" I said

"What's with the wise words?" Cap'n asked

"I've been like that lately~" I shrugged

"He has" King stated

"Weird" Cap'n said

~Meliodas' Pov

Ban's right, Even if she forgot about me. Its not wrong to comunicate with her right?

"I'll just go For a while then.." I walked away

"You doing what i said?~" Ban asked


"Go Cap'n~" Ban cheered

And as he said, I was Going to Merlin.


bawawawawawa~ xD

Go Meliodas~

Hope you Enjoyed!

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