the club club

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"Told you it would be cool," Jerm said to Dabi as they were standing in front of the club, staring at the flashing lights. "Yeah, but I'm just here for the drugs," Dabi said.

They walked into the party, Dabi's heart was starting to sync along with the beat of the loud music. The beauty of the color changing lights were hypnotic, flowing green, blue, and purple. "Come on let's get drunk!" Jerm had to shout above the obnoxious music, Dabi raised his eyebrows and walked to the bar, it smelled like popcorn for no reason. "Hey!" Dabi shouted at the bartender, "four shots of tequila!" The bartender nodded and complied.

Dabi and jerm each took two shots, cringing of the strong taste with each one. "Hey dabi! You wanna look for some-" Jerm stopped mid-sentence, "is that-?" Dabi, confused looked behind him, were Jerm was looking. He was surprised to see a pretty girl dancing. "That's y/n!" Jerm said "hey!" He said to the bartender, "three beers!"

Jerm gave one beer to Dabi, kept one for himself and one he was gonna give to y/n. "Hey!" Jerm shouted, the girl paused and looked at him, she smiled really big and jogged to him. "Here!" He handed her the drink, she hugged him and said, "what the hell are you doing here dude? Come here!" She grabbed Jerms hand and led him to her friends, Dabi followed, sipping on his beer.

How does Jerm know this cutie? Dabi wondered. "Wait y/n are you even allowed to drink?!" Jerm asked. Y/n looked away for a sec, "Duh... ofcourse, obviously!" "Aren't you 18?!" "No!" Y/n looked offended, "I'm 19!" Jerm looked at her with a smirk, "I guess I have I have to take this away then~" jerm said. Y/n's eyes widened, "no!" She snatched her beer from the counter then started running away, then she suddenly bumped into a bean stalk, named Dabi.

When she looked up she thought it was an angel, or the spawn of satin? How can someone be so pretty yet frightening at the same time. For a second y/n and Dabi were just staring at each other. "You good?" Dabi finally asked. "Oh I'm great! Are you good? I'm so sorry!" Dabi smiled, can he sense the butterflies in my chest? Y/n thought. "Oh shoot I forgot to introduce you to Dabi!" Jerm said, "Dabi this is y/n and y/n this is Dabi!" He says, still shouting over the loud music. She really is a cutie, Dabi thought, admiring you up close. Since Dabi was towering over you, you didn't notice that he was looking down your shirt, eyeing your cleavage.

"Hi Dabi!" You say, " yo," Dabi says with an uncomfortable amount of eye contact. "Hey y/n!" You hear a familiar voice, "what happened to you?" "Oh sorry I was just meeting someone-" "come here!" Your friend yanks your hand and drags you away from Dabi, the pretty bean stalk.

Dabi and You Sitting In A TreeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat