Help? YES! NO!

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"We only have one girl now... Yeah...she has already been bought....yeah....they wanted her bruised before she gets there..." That was all I heard from the conversation. I knew it was about me cause I was the only one here.

I think it has been only one day since I was captured. My head hurts and they haven't fed me anything. The cage door swung open and a large man stood there. He kicked me and I hurt the wall. He punched me and kick more till I was a bloody mess. I rubbed my eye against my shoulder to wipe the blood off so I could see. When he left I cried. I cried for someone to save me.

What did their while nobody was around: worked on getting the duck tape off my mouth and getting the ropes around my hands gone. I also discovered that they haven't had a lot of new girls to sell recently but apparently I am their big buck to make up for the absence of girls.

I keep going. My two hopes are that I could some how break out or get rescued. Neither seemed very likely but it was a hope. I know we are underground. Sometimes I hear people above, kids, playing. I cry out but nobody heard me.

I'll just keep working on my bindings.

Sasuke's POV

I have been searching for a day now. Naruto brought me Ramen. I think I'm in their trail. The tracks keep getting fresher.

I finished the ramen and didn't wait for Naruto to come back. I got up and began the chase again. I came to a clearing with large rock in the middle. I watched for 30 mins and nothing moved in the forest behind me. I walked out to the clearing and still the first made no noise. Not once did the thought of Naruto come through my mind.

I moved the rock over and their was a hatch. I wooden hatch. I opened it slowly and jumped in.

As soon as I got the bottom I heard the snoring of a man. I pecked around the corner to find a young man sleeping on guard duty. There were many cells down here. It would be hard to tell which one Misaki was in.

I began walking forward and saw a trip wire. I smiled at their stupid trick and stepped over it. ONLY TO HIT ANOTHER! An alarm went off and the man woke up.

'Crap.' I mentally faced palmed as I took out the not so skilled ninja but it was too late. Many more came running to join the fight.

"SASUKE!" I heard a voice cry from one of the last cells. I knew who it was and my heart rejoiced.

Misaki POV

I woke up from slumber to hear an alarm go off. I strained my body to move and I moved slightly forward. I was on so much pain.

I finished licking off the duck tape and I spit it out. "Sasuke!" I screamed. I heard no replay but I did hear bodies hitting the floor. Someone was fighting for something. "SASUKE!" I screamed louder.

This time I got a response but not the one I wanted. A tall ninja appeared in front of me and said, "I'm not about to let your little boyfriend take my paycheck." He swiftly spirited into my cage and grabbed me. "Let me go!" I shouted and I twisted and tried to thrash on him in anyway even through bindings.

We were now in the hallway and I saw Sasuke. He was fighting like hell to get closer to me but more ninjas came. "Sasuke!" I cried and a ninja turned towards me and hit me over my head.

Sasuke's POV
Sorry for the many POV changes!

I saw Misaki while fighting. I called for her while I sliced an ninja's arm off but one of them knocked her out.

"Damn." I swore out loud and a rather short ninja smirked at my remark.
"You will never get her." He laughed and I killed him. When I looked up, Misaki and the ninja where gone.


The investigates were searching the area while Naruto put his arm on my bloody shoulder. I wonder if Misaki has blood on her.

"You shout have left without me." Naruto said but I cut him off. "Did you see her?" I asked. He looked at me confused so I explained, "Did you see Misaki...she was so beat."

Naruto didn't say anything. He just looked at the ground. Hi stomach growled and I looked at him sadly. I wonder if Misaki is hungry.

"Sasuke! Come quick!" An investigator said and u ran over. He picked up a bloody map but it clearly read, "Second Emergency BASE Map."

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