2) Shaving 1/2

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You can hear water running, the drops forming a waterfall that cascades over the man standing underneath it. He's standing there frozen in time, not moving an inch, relishing in the warmth.
Brett raises his face, letting the water that pours out of the shower hit his eyes and then flow to the sides.
It has been a long day. And it's not even finished, it being just the beginning of the evening. He needs to freshen up to go to a dinner date at Ibo's and his girlfriend.
Of course Eddy will join too, being his Siamese twin and all.

He lets the water fall over him, his eyes closed, drowning himself in the sound of the water flowing, trying to make his head empty and rinse all the stiffness and tiredness away.
His hair sticks wet against his forehead, poking in his eyes while the stream is purifying him. He should have gotten a haircut. It's way too long. But that will take time off his practice schedule and TwoSet. Ergo: it's wasted time. Maybe he should consider shaving his head. It's easier to maintain. Will he look good with his hair just two millimeters long?

Speaking of shaving... He also needs to shave, badly. Where did he put his Gillette Mach 3? Oh, right. In the cupboard under the sink. But he is all wet now and he so doesn't have time and patience to clean the floor after he drips all over it to get it. There is only one solution...

He calls out to his boyfriend, loudly, so he will hear him somewhere in their house. So far for the serenity in the shower.

Brett hears some rummage in the living room before the answer comes.

Why are we shouting? What good is it that the neighbors also know he needs to shave?
Brett can think of better ways to get their neighbors pissed off. Like violin playing at midnight for instance. It's a shame to heighten their aggravation level for shaving purposes.
Hmm. Maybe wise to get a Google home in the bathroom too?
He thinks about how it would go then.
Hey Google, message to living room speaker. Please get me my razor.
Lights flashing. Message sent.
Hey Google, Thanks!
Lights flashing. For you anytime.
It would be so much better than screaming, right?

Brett is getting annoyed now. What is taking Eddy so long? He could have gotten it himself and clean the water mess in the time Eddy takes to just come to give him his f*cking razor.


Finally! Eddy walks into the bathroom.

"Hey my love. You need a shave?"

"If you don't want to walk beside a boyfriend who looks like some sort of a dysfunctional caveman, I really should."

"You know what you should do? You should take my knife. It's much better for your skin. You've seen the miracle happen with mine. I lost all dents in my cheeks."

Brett snickers. "Like hell I'm using that shaving knife off yours. I will cut my throat and bleed to death. No thank you very much."

"Then I will do it for you." Eddy starts undressing.

"What?! NO! We need to go in a minute!" Brett yells agitated.

But Eddy is adamant and soon naked. He grabs the shaving foam and his knife and with a huge grin he enters the shower cabin.
Brett looks up annoyed.
"Eddy.... we don't have time for this shit." But he speaks it softly. It's always nice to see his man naked.

"Yes we do. You need to relax. You've been way too busy lately, especially today. And we also need to go to Ibo now too, so take a moment for yourself. For us. Okay? Now get here and let me put some snow on you."
Eddy squeezes some shaving cream from the can between his hands and rubs it into a white mass.

Brett sputters "But I don't want them to have to wait for us. You know I hate being late."

"You won't. I already messaged Ibo that we will be at least half an hour later. He didn't mind. Probably gives him time to tidy his room some more, looking at the mess he's always living in. Although having a girlfriend works wonders in that area. Don't worry so much. Now get your face between my hands."

Brett sighs and surrenders. He stills when Eddy makes his face between his nose and ears all white.
Eddy looks at the painting he's made before him. He smiles.
"Aww. You look like an adorable snowman. Or Santa Claus."

"Shut up." Brett mumbles to not get the nasty tasting stuff into his mouth.

Scintillating eyes meet Brett.
Eddy takes his knife in his hand and flips it open in one smooth move, like the knife being a stiletto.
Brett suddenly worries. God, this looks just like a possible scene for The Shining. That thing is really f*ing sharp!
Eddy sees the frightened eyes meeting him and can only smile.

"Trust me. I won't cut you. Follow my lead."

Eddy encloses Brett's chin in his fingers of his left hand, pushing it delicately to the right side. And then ever so slowly he takes his knife over Brett's cheek, flicks the shaving cream off and proceeds with the next part. He then tilts his face to the left and carefully shaves that side. That done, he shifts Brett's face straight forward, pulling his knife on both sides under his nose, leaving a small part just in the middle. He admires the result and snickers uncontrollably.
"You're looking just like Hitler like this."
He really cracks himself up about it. It's a bad joke of course. True to the dad-humour he so loves. Brett can only smile at this crazy man. But it's his crazy one, isn't it, so it's fine.

"Get on with it, you moron." he says lovingly.

Eddy finishes the job, rinses his knife and flips it back while Brett rinses his own face under the streaming water.

Eddy gazes at his boyfriend. He looks so beautiful, standing there with the water flowing over him.
Eddy lifts his hand and brushes over Brett's cheeks.

"So soft. Like a baby's skin."

Brett starts laughing. "You are incorrigible."
But he leans in and steals a kiss.
How coquettish.

Eddy likes that. Very much. They have still time, don't they?

A day in a Life of BreddyWhere stories live. Discover now