Awaken; Danger Force

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"Okay, today we will continue to learn how to practice your lying" Uncle Showoz said, waking into the one classroom we have in this 'school'.

Everyone but me and Mika groaned. We have been practicing our lying for about 3 weeks now and they are already sick of it.

"My friend is on fire, and I must go pour water on his face." Uncle Showoz repeats what's on the smart board.

"My friend is on fire, and I," Mika starts but starts to drag out the 'I' once she sees and hears that she is the only one who is doing this. "am really the only one doing this?"

"Sorry Mika, but you are." I say from my seat in the middle, looking at my sketch to see if I can improve it in any small way.

"As much fun it is to practice our lying all day, it's not fun at all and I hate it!" Chapa said, pushing her figure to lean forward on her desk with her arms holding her up.

Miles spoke up, "Hate is a very strong word, and in this case it's accurate!"

"Like it or not, lying is a big part in being a superhero." I said, playing around with my sketching pencil. I don't look behind it because if I do, everyone will find out about my biggest secret.

I am very grateful for becom pming an early lier in my life, it is how I had more sweets then what I was allowed as a kid.

"Yes, Bella is right! You need it to learn to protect your secret identity-ty-ty-ty." Uncle Showoz said.

"You know what, we didn't ask for these powers!"

"Ahh, here we go." Showoz and Isabella groaned out loud together.

"Yeah, you built the weapon that blew up and gave them to us when Captain Man, Leah, and Kid Danger fought Drex." Miles said.

"Yeah, you were all 'Ayyy' there's a caveman on top of meeee!" Bose mocked Schwoz, making all of the kids laugh. Including Isabella, because it was true

"And Mika was all...." Bose trailed off looking at her.

"Kid Danger needs help!" Mika exclaims, getting up from her chair.

"And Captain Man was like." Bose points behind him to Chapa.

"Just shoot us!" Chapa says in a deep voice mimicking Ray while clutching her shoulder. Imitating that she was being held.

"But Kid Danger said." Bose said pointing to Miles.

"If I blast you, you won't be indestructible anymore." Miles said in a deep voice mocking Henry, trying to hold back her laughter.

"Neither will Drex now shoot us you quitter!" Chapa replied in a deep voice.

Schowoz frowned at the story and shook his head.

"I hit the caveman on the head, I was helping." Schowoz tried cutting in.

"Hold onto your hoses!" Miles exclaimed, mocking the explosion sound.

All of the kids, beside Isabella, then pretended to be thrown back into their chairs because of an explosion.

"Explosion! And now I can- Wait what's my superpower again?" Bose asked with a confused look on his face.

Bose isn't the brightest out of us five. In a way he was jasper, just more like a lost little kid then an award teenager. I sat up and faced Bose from my seat. "Bose, do you need me to do the song?"

"Thanks, Mel."

I started to rap; I wasn't confident in my actual voice to sing in front of people.

"Over in yellow, we have Miles,
need a place to go?
Miles is your man
cause he's the teleporting man!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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