4~The Wedding

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Made to Love by John Legend & Photograph by Ed Sheeran
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"So what happened with Justin? Are you going to tell me yet or nah?" Kia trails off as I roll my eyes. For the last twelve hours it's practically all I'd heard.

"We have bigger things to be worrying about right now." I mumble my eyes skimming over the range of nail varnishes laid out in front of me.

"No we don't." Kia speaks pointing to a white shade of matte effect nail varnish with a sleek smile and handing it to the beautician who was filing my nails whilst giving me a pointed look. "I want to know Char." Kia's voice was stern and I take a quick glance at the lady sat opposite me, her sole attention on applying a base coat to my nails. I twist my mouth a little and huff. She's really not going to give up with this.

"He just showed me around his yacht." I mumble wishing there wasn't a clear layer of nail varnish drying on my nails so I could distract myself by picking at them.

"And?" Kia asks raising her eyebrow."It's pretty obvious that's not all..." She grumbles rolling her eyes. It is pretty obvious but I think my cheeks are going to burn as bright as a fire if I tell her.

"nothing." I shuffle a little in my chair smiling nervously at the woman opposite me as she glances up at me. Ki huffs quietly from beside me sending me a death stare as I swallow heavily "We kissed?" I almost question myself whilst wincing. Small squeal in 3...2...1 and

I wince a little as she wiggles happily in her seat. The makeup artist who was about to begin applying something to her face gives her one of the most threatening looks I've ever seen making me snort to myself. "Did you get his?" She asks eagerly as I shyly shook my head. Her expression drops a little.

"I was being flirty." I shrug and as a reply Ki smiles at me her lips pouting her lips a little as she coo's.

"So cute." She whispers but I think it's more to herself than anybody else. I decide not to ask her what it was all about and mind my own business.

I ended up with Justin's number of course.

Seven minutes later than I gave him mine. As soon as I left him my phone was buzzing away and we'd been tossing messages back an forth for the last 16 or so hours. It was all small talk and really awkward at first but it also reminded me of how nice Justin really is.

So far Lola seems calm but you can kind of tell that she's trying her best not to flip out. I don't think it's really sunk in yet that she's getting married in a couple of hours and I know that in half an hour or maybe less she'll be losing her mind.

Within an hour there's at least seven other people in the room. I'm completely done, my hair and make up completed ten minutes ago as I try to make sure everybody has drinks and everything is organised. Lola was in the other room putting her Dior wedding dress on with her Mom and aunt. It was so beautiful I burst into tears when she tried it on for the first time in the store.

Oh, the joys of having a millionaire husband to be.

I sip from the flute of champagne in my hand pausing for a second when I hear my phone buzz loudly in my clutch bag. I place the glass on the counter and open up the metallic bag I was holding tightly in my left hand. When I pick my phone up I realise that it's actually not just a text like I'm expecting but Alex is actually calling. I excuse myself, sliding my finger against the screen and lift it to my ear. Here was me hoping for another text from Justin.

"Hi?" I question my eyes slightly narrowed. I'm now stood awkwardly in a hallway holding some shoes in my hand.

"Hey, do you think you guys could like... Hurry up maybe?" Alex asks a small laugh leaving his lips as I hear Carter grumble at him to ask something. "I have a very very nervous groom here." Alex chuckles but he makes a small 'oomf' sound meaning that it's now my turn to laugh quietly.

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