Chapter Three: The Train Job

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In a bar, men play cards while belly dancer move their bodies to the music. She dances by Mal, who has a hand behind his back and slips him a piece of paper.

Mal tucks the paper into his coat pocket and continues playing Chinese checkers with Zoe and Jayne.

"Your move." Jayne says. They watch Mal move his pieces.

"That's a bold move." Zoe says.

Mal shrugs. "I live on the edge." He takes a swig of his drink. Zoe moves her pieces, beating Mal.

Jayne snorts and looks at Mal. "Nice work, dumbass."

"I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge...not an ideal location. Thinkin' a place in the middle."

"Toast! Toast!" A man calls but people continue talking. "QUIET! SHUT UP!" He shouts, sending the place into silence. "I'm, uh, I got words." The large man slurs. "I'm sayin' this is an a'spicious day. We all know what day it is."

Jayne looks at Mal, who has a serious look on his face. "Suspicious...what day is it?"

"A glorious day, for all the proud members of the allied planets. Unification day!" The man; Lund, pumps his fist into the air. Mal closes his eyes for a moment before sharing a look with Zoe. He turns back to Lund. "The end of the scumbag independents, the dawn of a new galaxy!" The crowds cheers and Mal starts to get up.

"Captain?" Zoe asks.

He leaves the table. "I just feel the need for another drink."

"What month is it?" Jayne asks, confused.

Mal walks to the bar and sits next to Lund, leaning forwards to get the bartender's attention. "Ching zie lie ee bay Ng-Ka-Pei?" He asks.

Lund looks at him. "Hey, you gonna drink t'the Alliance wi' me? Six years today, the Alliance sent the browncoats running, pissing their pants." He looks at Mal's outfit. "Y'know, your coat is kinda a brownish color."

"It was on sale." Mal downs his drink.

"You didn't toast? Y'know, I'm thinkin' you one of them independents."

"And I'm thinkin' you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling. So why don't we just ignore each other, til we go away?" Mal turns away from the man and faces the bar.

"The Independents were a bunch of cowardly inbred pisspots. Shoulda been killed off of every world spinnin'."

Mal's face hardens and he sets down his drink. "Say that to my face." He stands from his seat.

Lund stands as well. "I said, you're a coward, and a pisspot." He says slowly. "Now what are you gonna do about it?"

Mal smiles. "Nothin'. I just wanted you to face me so she could get behind ya." Lund turns around only to be pistol whipped by Zoe. They watch him fall to the ground. "Drunks are so cute." The entire bar slowly stands up, angry looks on their faces. Mal sighs. "Oh juh jen sh guh kwai luh duh jean jan."

"Jayne..." Zoe says.

Jayne sits with his feet on the table, relaxed. "Hey, I didn't fight in no war. Best of luck, though." He takes a swig of his drink.

"Fine. Let's do this."

The holographic window flickers as Mal flies through it. He brings his com to his mouth. "Wash, we've got some local color happening. Your grand entrance would not go amiss." He says. Zoe pushes two men around as she and Mal fight. "Is Jayne even awake?" Suddenly, Jayne comes out of the building fighting knocking a few more men around with a barstool. Zoe head-butts a man and the fighting continues. Mal looks down. "Woah woah...haha!" He says that they are on the edge of a cliff. "There's just an acre of you fellas." He turns to Zoe. "This is why we lost, you know. Superior numbers."

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