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Five years. It's been five long years since Madara has been waiting in the subconscious of Rias's mind. Waiting until she started learning to crawl to finally start to communicate with her. During those five years he learned that he was transported to an alternate universe full of the supernatural, Devils, fallen, and angels alike.

He figured that since he'd be stuck like this until he disappears forever, he'd start training the girl in the way of the Uchiha clan. Yes, she will be the one to continue on the Uchiha Bloodline since his blood now runs through her veins. Not only will she have the power of destruction and the Sharingan, but she is also the nine tails Jinchuriki. A power house she will be.

Since today is Rias's fifth birthday, he will finally reveal himself to her and finally start training her.


Sirzechs slightly opens the door to his little sisters room. He peaks his head in and see's her still fast asleep even though it was almost noon. His wife Grayfia had already come to wake up the young heiress but to no avail.

Rias's long crimson red hair with black streaks was a birds nest. Her limbs sprawn out as she snores peacefully.

'It's her fifth birthday and she's sleeping in? Most kids would be excited at her age.' Sirzechs thought to himself. He steps into the dark room and opens up the curtains letting the sunlight in. He then went over to Rias's bed and gently shook her awake.

"H-huh...?" She tiredly opened her eyes and looked around before trying to fall back asleep. "No no no, don't go back to sleep! You need to wake up." Sirzechs gently says tapping Rias cheek.

"Don... wanna..." Rias mumbles. Stretching out her small limbs before falling back asleep. "Five... more..."

"It's your birthday today."

Rias's eyes snap wide open, she springs out of bed and jumps into her brothers arms.

"That means you can start showing me how to use my magic right? right!" Rias beams. "I wanna be really strong, just like you and father!"

"HAHAHA! Of course I'll teach you! How could I say no to my adorable little sister!" Sirzechs says proudly and swings Rias around.

"Can we start now? Please, please!" She give Sirzechs the puppy dog eyes.

"Uhg! My heart can't take this much cuteness!" He set Rias down and clutched his chest kneeling on the floor. "The great Lucifer, defeated by a mere child!" Sirzechs dramatically lays on the floor with Rias standing above him in triumph.

The room door opens, revealing a beautiful woman in a maid outfit with silver hair in braids and silver eyes. A faint smile formed on her face seeing her husband playing with his little sister Rias.


The two red heads turn their heads at the womans direction.

"Hi Grayfia~san!" Rias waved happily.

"Good morning, lady Rias. Your father has requested for both you and lord Sirzechs in the dining room." Said Grayfia.

"Here that Rias, we better get going." Sirzechs says, he picks her up and makes his way out of the room.

"Your going to help me with my magic today right? You promised!"

"Yes, yes. I remembered my promise don't worry." Sirzechs chuckled.

"Wouldn't you rather want to play with Sona or make some friends? Children your age usually aren't obsessed with training like you are Rias."

"I just wanna get big and strong just like you! Father always talks about how much of a prodigy you were when you were little." Rias says as she frowns. "I just wanna show him that I can be great too."

Soul of Madara Uchiha DXD (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now