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"I can walk." I told him, tilting my head to look at the forest floor.

When my feet stood on the ground, I always knew they were tall creatures, but being up here gave me a whole new perspective. I was only to his chest and it seemed like I was at least six and a half feet tall. His head above me must have been close to seven or eight feet at the minimum. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed his strapping steel arms around my body, but I needed to walk.

"And I'm carrying you." He countered in confidence, never halting his stride as the twigs and leaves crunched under his suede shoes. I glared at his stubble under chin. There was no room to argue in his words and I felt defeated as he cared for me like a baby. I couldn't win every argument, but I at least tried.

I wanted to walk, stretch my legs a bit and maybe put some space between us. After all, my anger was as justified as his. I turned my neck to look around the forest and a sting struck my shoulder causing me to audibly hiss. Grayson stopped looking down at me with concern in his amber eyes. He wasn't human and he didn't understand how we felt pain compared to them.

A bite was a second of ache for them as it healed almost instantaneously. But a bite mark for humans was nothing short of a life-or-death sentence. His mark almost killed me among other things. I was fragile and he was starting to take notice. The emotions he felt Were unmistakable, guilty but also proud, I could feel how much it pained him to see me hurt. However, the undeniable flutter of pride filled his heart. I was finally his, only his, and now I had the deeply imbedded teeth marks to prove it.

The Claim.

In an attempt to lighten the mood, I began to ask my unanswered questions, "how tall are you?"

I wanted to try and connect with Grayson on more than just a sexual level. He began walking. And a taut smile graced his lips as if he didn't want to show his amusement, because he was still angry with me no doubt. Such a dad. He had every right to be mad with me by his standards, all because I hid so well. It's not my flat, I'm clever.

"I'm eight foot." He answered in his strong voice.

Eight freaking feet, damn and his beast was taller. The average human female height was five foot six inches and I just happened to be average. At least on that aspect, I was normal.

"At the cliff......", I started to say wanting to know why he wouldn't let me go. "I jumped", I told him, "I was free", I stated as a matter of fact. I wasn't trying to anger him; I was only curious. What I was told was a lie, and I wanted to know why?

"Do you have a question?" Grayson clipped, as his face became masked with emotionlessness.

I huffed in annoyance, wanting to slap that mask from his chin. It ruffled my feathers, riling me up the way he had said that. 'Do you have a question?', I had every right to know why he bit me, even after I was told; I just needed to make it to the cliff.

"I jumped, I was no longer on your territory", I angrily snapped back, "why did you bite me?"

If he wanted to play stupid games, I could play stupid games. I had already shown I was an equal competitor in the claiming lasting longer than any before. I had avoided not only him but fifty-seven other lycans. Well, I guess fifty-five. The point is push me and I will push back. Grayson lowly growled, feeling my defiance bubble back to the surface.

"Air is unclaimed," he stated, "you would have died at the bottom." He grumbled, grinding his teeth to make the muscles of his jaw prominent.

The anger he felt before resurfaced, but that was not my intention. The fact I had easily hid from them bothered him the most. More importantly though, he was furious with me because I was ok with dying. It's as if he couldn't understand why I was fine with ending a life that felt like a dead end. Drowning because I couldn't swim would have been a better ending to my life. Even if I had managed to doggy paddle to safety, I would forever be running until the day I died.

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