an ache that never dulls

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The calls get shorter
The pauses get longer
Whether it's meant to be
Or not
My heart refuses to give up
On you


A love letter to Zach
You amaze me
The way that you talk
How you make me laugh
How you make me feel
You call to action every nerve in my body
Every hair on the back of my neck raises in what,
All of these and more
My body comes alive when I hear your voice


If it is never to be,
Why does it feel so inevitable?


A mind so powerful
It scares even you
You exude art
I admit I am jealous of your talents
He is art himself
Art that encompasses all your senses
Overwhelmingly potent is his presence,
I pray he doesn't know the extent of what he does to me


You're like a drug
Everytime I get a hit
I want more
Its pitiful how I keep crawling back to you again and again
Desperate for your attention
Which gives me
Such a high


When you are the center of his attention, it's exhilarating
You feel special, beautiful, important
It is only for a little while
For his attentions wane
And you are no longer his precious jewel
At least until he is bored and lonely again


And thats just it isn't it
The pull we feel
Even when we try to back away from the disastrous masterpiece that is us
Some great unseen force
Brings us back
Each time
And we collide
Like flint and steel
Creating a spark so big
It startles the both of us


The thought of you with someone else is a knife
The fact that I have a someone, who is not you is a joke.
The knowledge that one day our magnetism will overcome the forces that have been keeping us apart is a comfort.


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