The kiss of true love

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It was a peaceful morning in Tokyo. The surroundings of the suburban neighborhood were quiet. The winter sun hung lowly against the cloud-covered heavens, scintillating the white, snow-covered grounds.

Even on the foreground, where the Yukimura ramen shop stood, everything was quiet.


"Baka yarou!"

Er...looks like we've gone wrong again...

Inside, pots and pans were flying in the air. A figure hovered low under one of the tables, his arms covering his dark head. Behind the counter, an enraged-looking girl with brown locks stood, a glass plate in hand. She seemed ready to throw it at the poor guy.

"Please, Keiko, not that!"

"I'll throw anything I want to!" the girl screamed at the top of her lungs, so loud that tears filled her large brown eyes. "Baka, baka, baka!"

"I told you, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" the boy shouted in a high-pitched tone from under the table.

Keiko lifted the ornate plate above her head. Yusuke's eyes widened with shock. "Keiko!" he yelled almost pleadingly, closing his eyes for the inevitable crash.

Keiko started to throw the plate towards him, when her arms suddenly hung limply on her sides. The plate was still in her hand.

Yusuke cracked one eye open. Seeing that he was safe, he lifted his head up.

"Yusuke, I hate you."

"I said I—" Yusuke stopped protesting when he saw Keiko's face.

The eyes that were flaming with anger just a second ago were now...soft and...

Oh, no, he thought, alarmed. She's gonna cry again...!

Keiko set the plate on the counter, keeping her eyes on Yusuke.

He started to climb out of his hiding place. "Keiko, I—"


And a second later, Urameshi Yusuke was sent flying out of the ramen shop and into the street. He fell face-flat on the snow. God knows what had happened to him.

"Don't come back, Urameshi Yusuke!"

Keiko's voice was somewhat muffled from Yusuke's earshot, for Yusuke's face was buried deep into the snow. It took him a while and a great deal of effort to lift his own crumpled body up. And as he did, he heard the door to the shop shut close.

Yusuke winced. Okay, fine! He and Keiko had yet another misunderstanding. Was it the second time that month? And it was only the middle of November!

"That Keiko! Always so furious about everything I do or say...!"

Yusuke stuck his index finger into his ear and tried to shake out the snow that had settled itself in there. He looked back at where he had fallen down. His figure was engraved on the snow, like some Egyptian hieroglyphic showing a man with arms on either side of his head and knees bent in an almost-perfect ninety-degree angle.

Meaning? The man was just beaten by his girlfriend.

"That's Yukimura Keiko for you," Yusuke muttered to no one in particular.

Yusuke shook the snow off his green jacket and ran his fingers through his slicked hair. He and Keiko was a couple for...what, a year? And they had never-ending misunderstandings.

Man, we do come from different worlds, Yusuke thought grimly, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets and starting to walk away. Now to win her back...

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