Chapter 4

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I wake up. Where am I? This is not my bed at home. Then I remember. Wow. Yesterday was a lot huh?

I get up, pensive after my altercation with Maya yesterday, reeling from the recent events. My first morning in this place, away from home.


Brush my teeth, wash my face, shower, go downstairs to see what was on offer for breakfast. Apparently, everyone is sentenced to the same meal for today. Eggs fried sunny side up, with sausages and baked beans on the side. A full English. No toast though. I mournfully collect my meal from the counter at the back of the lunch hall, and looked for a place to sit. Maya waves at me over from her own seat and - wait MAYA??? I thought she hated me! But there she is, seemingly unperturbed by my (second) outburst yesterday. I approached her tentatively, unsure of how to proceed. Are we still friends? Sensing my confusion, she smiles at me, reassuring me that I was already forgiven. I sit down next to her. The other girls smile at me. One asks how my 1st day here was.


Is this a joke?

Is Maya still mad at me for hitting her? Maybe I should ask her about it? No, would be seen as too rude. What should I do then? I have no ide-

"Erm, hello?", Not this again.

Are you in there? Are you deaf? Can you hear me? Can you speak? If so, what are you thinking about? Oh, I just remembered! You promised not to space out anymore. Oh wait you didn't. Houston, we have a problem! Amina's eardrums had finally given out! Wait, let me check; hellohellohellohellohellohellohe-"

"Why do you do this to me?" My head on the table with my food pushed away, I am currently contemplating the purpose behind the verbal abuse I regularly receive from Maya.

"Sorry, habit." She grins at me.

"Wait, you do this to everyone?" (Why did I think I was special?)

"She targets anyone who is new." This came from a ten-year old on the opposite side of the table.

"Yup! It is the premium Asylum experience!" Maya's broad smile stretches across her face. I cringe.


"Oh yeah", Clapping her hands together, "Gotta head to the basement. It would be out of the dryer by now."

"Maya?" Shy, I raise my hand, waving to grab her attention, "There's a basement here?"

"The storage area I showed you before!" Maya is flapping her hands. (what's the big deal...other than me forgetting the existence of an ENTIRE basement). "Gotta go, see you at the door to the IT!" She shovels the rest of her food into her mouth before rushing off, mumbling something under her breath.

"What's up with her?" I turn to the others, some of which are momentarily stunned by her sudden departure. One of them looks at me, the one who informed me that I was Maya's 'new target'

"It's better for her to explain it herself." She resumed ignoring me.

"Umm...Okaaaay, so..." Seeing that no-one was listening, I abandoned my meal to follow Maya, changing directions since I just remembered Maya telling me to meet her at the IT suite. Now let's see...


Where IS the IT?

I know Maya showed me the way before, but all of these white corridors look the same OK!

Oh no...

Am I going to become colorblind as a result of this?

The IT, the IT where is it? Ah, yes! I almost forgot about the maps! I walk down the corridor until I find one, mounted on the wall to my left.

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