A/N : Important Note, Do Not Skip

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Firstly... for all those readers who read, vote and comment, thank you! Thank you to each one of you. You don't know how much your love and support for this story means to me. I'm grateful to each one of you but here are some things I really need to let out.

For all my readers who spare their time to read my story, can you please open up about your views? (Not for those who regularly comment or have commented at least once or twice in a while)

It honestly makes me sad that the number of readers are going on decreasing each time I post a new part. The votes that used to be 60-70 first have now gone down to just 20-30. And the comments? They are hardly 4-5 now. I understand that's my fault, totally. And with the speed that I update, I know I'm bound to lose readers. I know it and feel sorry about it. I understand you have to wait for long before a new part is posted, and I'm really sorry about it! I'm sorry you have to wait for it for so long!

But this is for the silent readers and for those who vote on the story, I will appreciate it if you comment on the story. Pretty please! You can just tell at least one of the following things, if not everything :-

- Did you like the chapter? Yes/No
If yes, why.
If no, why. (to give reason or not is your choice)

- Do you find the ongoing track interesting or no?

- Do you want me to improve something?

That can be anything -- the story, my writing style, my narration, the way I portray emotions, or even my grammar. Or you can even correct my spelling mistakes. Absolutely anything.

Whether it is a paragraph or even a single 'amazing', or 'awesome' comment. Even if you don't like a chapter, you can tell. I always welcome constructive criticism because I want to improve as a writer. (no hate, however)

I love comments and really appreciate them. I'm thankful to all the readers -- whether they're the silent readers, voting readers or the commenting readers -- for reading my story with so much interest. But I really need you all to give your feedback. I want to know whether you are really liking how the story is going or not, or that you want me to work on something.

To be honest, I never planned on posting this author's note. I was not even going to post it but since last two-three updates, I'm feeling a sense of disappointment due to lack of any feedback from readers and also some things have triggered me to write this.

I don't want to point anyone out personally... but there are some of you who only ask me or message me to 'update soon'. And when I actually publish a new part, you just vanish.

I don't know if you guys know or not -- but I'm a physiotherapy student who is almost at the end of my course (final year). And being one of the senior most students, it's getting more difficult for me every day to take some time out and write a new chapter as too many responsibilities are being given to us along with various things like synopsis, case presentations and back to back exams. These days we barely have time for ourselves and unfortunately, this is going to go on until my final year exams (which is before mid-next-year).

Only a writer knows how difficult it is to write a chapter. You won't believe but it takes a lot, sometimes a whole day to write a new chapter. It's not as easy as it seems, guys. Ask any writer how long they take, they will tell you the same thing.

You can argue that why don't I just stop writing or put the story on hold if I'm so busy instead of expecting you all to comment when every chapter of mine is posted -- let me be very honest here -- just once in two or three months. The truth is... I know that's wrong, and honestly I really don't know what to do about it. I don't want to stop writing but at the same time I can't give regular updates.

This, particular story of mine is very special to me because this feels so close to home. Swara and Sanskar's characters' personalities in this story reflect that of my own. And I wish to keep on writing and carrying their story forward because I, myself am too attached to this story as well as all the characters. Every writer is attached to their written works. Like a mother is attached to her child.

I write because I love to write. There is no doubt about it. Writing is like satisfying a part of myself that's still so deeply attached to SwaSan, even after these eight years. For me, writing is an escape for me from my stressful life.

But still... Just like a bread is nothing without butter, a writer also has no backbone without readers.

But if this is the response I'm getting for my updates... I'm afraid I'll really have to put this story on hold. Then I'll just write and save the new chapters in my drafts, and will post them one by one after I get free from my busy schedule, which will take very long time.

I need you all to tell me honestly :-

1. Are you really okay with me updating a new chapter once in every month?

2. Do you think I should keep this story on hold for the time being?

And for heavens sake, please comment at least now. And if I don't get comments even now, I'll go with the second option myself.

I hope you guys understand. Currently, I'm going through a very rough phase in my life and the only thing that keeps me sane is my passion for SwaSan and writing this story. But I know that putting up this author's note was much needed. I hope that at least this time, my readers will comment.

I'm waiting for your comments. Signing off for now ❤️

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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