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Dora -Horror

Do do do do da Dora do do do do da horror
Her whispers were getting louder
Do do do do da Dora do do do do da HORROR
as soon as you hear her rhymes it's too late I was in my bath tub, why was I in my bath tub? To late I can't move now she's like a dinosaur the less you move the less she's sees you.
oh no she was growling now if I had any chance of surviving before I don't anymore I could hear her gigantic footsteps approaching the bath tub I look up at her because I know I'm going to die anyway so why not take a good look at her first but then the strangest thing happens, she slobbers all over all over me like a little puppy I reach my hand out to her looking away and all I feel is her tickly young brushing against my hard hand, I reach my arms out for an embrace thing she was going to cuddle me but instead she swallowed me whole and I am writing this story in her stomach please send help

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