~ 💛 Chapter 1 - The meeting... 💛 ~

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Yashiro is headed to the bathroom on the 3rd floor of the abandoned building, it seems she's nervous. Why is she going there, you might ask? Well she heard a rumor about it from her best friend Aoi.
"You seriously didn't hear Nene? Alright fine, I guess I'll tell you. So people say that there are 7 school mysteries, the most famous one being No.7, Hanako-San of the bathroom. They say she grants wishes when summoned but it comes with a price, she gets to pick the price, usually matching the request you made. The way you summon her is by knocking three times"
knock knock knock
"Then you say-"
"Hanako-San, Hanako-San, Hanako-San, Are you in there?"
Yashiro gulped, she had never been so scared before. Suddenly she felt a chill run down her back, she then heard a voice, but instead of a females voice she heard, it was a males, it wasn't just one either, there were two voices... both saying
"We're here~"
One even touched her shoulder. Nene screamed, jumping at the figure behind her, her hands went straight through his head, she screamed and jumped again, this time jumping towards the floor.
"Amane! did you see the look on her face? It was hilarious!" One said while giggling, the other agreed while chuckling.
The other one got close to her, "Soo why'd you summon us?" He said
"I didn't! I summoned Hanako-San!" Yashiro snapped back.
"I AM Hanako, and that's my brother Tsukasa." He said while pointing at the other boy.
"Oh yeah? Then wheres your red jumpskirt and your bob hair cut? Plus you're a boy!" Yashiro sorta yelled
"Well first of all, those things aren't in style anymore, Second of all, yes I am a boy." Hanako responded.
"Even IF you ARE Hanako-San, Why are there two of you?" Yashiro asked, she didn't believe him, Why would there be two Hanako-Sans? That's dumb! She thought.
"Why not?" Hanako responded while shrugging.
Nene wasn't satisfied with that answer.
"And you're sure your both not just some pervy ghosts haunting the girls bathroom?" She asked.
"Anddd, we're done here." Hanako said while dragging Tsukasa.
she couldn't risk him not granting her wish, even if he was a boy.
"You think we're cool?" He said. "Well, then what's your name and your wish?" Hanako said while smiling.
He got over that quick, Nene thought.
"I'm Yashiro Nene! I'm a first year in the high school and junior high division! And my wish is for my crush to like me back!" Yashiro said proudly.
"Okayy, Yashiro and your wish is love, Gotcha!" Hanako said while writing down in a notebook.
"Who is your crush anyway?" Tsukasa asked.
It seemed he had no sense of personal space, as he was inches away from Nene's face! That's when she noticed how similar Hanako and Tsukasa looked.
"Hey, are you guys twins?" Yashiro asked.
"Yep! He's my older twin brother!" Tsukasa said while clinging on to Hanako like a koala bear.
"So can we see that crush of yours?" Hanako asked impatiently.
"Oh yeah! Here you go!" Nene said while pulling out her phone to show the twins her crush.
"Everyone calls him minamoto-senpai! He's smart and handsome, and he's the prince of school!"
"I'm prettier." Tsukasa said.
Yashiro giggled "stop joking around! Of course your not!" Yashiro said as she giggled even more.
Tsukasa pouted. "I'm not joking! I am prettier!" He said. "Right amane?"
"Yeah sure..!" Hanako replied.
"That was sarcastic!" Tsuaksa said. "Hmp!" He said as stormed into the 3rd bathroom stall, slamming the stall door.
"I'll go talk to hi-"
but Nene beat him to it.
"Tsukasa, I'm sorry, please come out.." Nene said as knocked on the stall door.
"Hmm, okay!" Tsukasa said as he floated out of the stall.
"Okay, now that's been taken care of, can we get started on your wish already?" Hanako asked impatiently.
"Of course!" Nene responded. "
Okay!" Tsukasa said.
"So how do you guys grant wishes? Do you guys have like a special item or something?" Nene asked curiously.
"Yep! The one I have works wonders!" Hanako said while pulling something out of his pockets.
'Love book'
"yeah, no thanks.." Nene said.
"Wait, the wish you want is for the human heart to do something unnatural, if I do that then it'll come with a price matching it, do you really want that?" Hanako said.
"Yes!" Nene said.
"Well I can't do that so oh well!" Hanako said.
"Cmon yashiro just do it, what's the worst that could happen?" Tsukasa said trying to convince Nene.
"Okay, finee." Nene said.
"Yay!" Tsukasa cheered.
"So what's your first idea?" Nene asked Hanako.
"Well the book said to show your special skills, so do you have any?" Hanako responded.
"Yep!" Nene exclaimed. "What is it?"

~ 💚 Thank you for reading this chapter! A new one should come out next week! Have a great day/afternoon/night and see you guys in the next chapter :) 💚 ~
~ 💙 - _Mxlanix 💙 ~
~ 💜 854 Words 💜 ~

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