The Obelia Twins

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3 months had passed since the Obelia twins were born, Claude is currently doing paper work while His two sons Apollo and Eros quietly play with their toys.

"Your majesty"

Felix said.

"What is it Felix"

"Well your majesty seemed have forgotten about the meeting with the nobles"

"I didn't forget about the meeting, I was just trying to ignore them so they would go away"

"Well it doesn't seem like they are going away your majesty"

Claude sighed knowing he has to attend the meeting with the nobles, but he didn't want to leave the boys alone.

But he knew they would only get more annoying, so he picked up Apollo and Eros and started making his way to their room.

"So Felix, how is Apollos coronations preparation going"

"It's going exactly as I planned your majesty"

Felix smiling softly


Claude answered

"But your majesty, if I may, you can't crown his highness until he's a year old"

"I know, but it doesn't hurt to get the coronation ready when he does become the correct age, does it? "

"N-no your majesty"


Once they made it to the twins room, Claude opened the door and walked to the middle of the room.

He places the boys on the ground where their toys are.

"Alright, you two stay here with Lillian, I'll be right back"

He kisses their forehead, and with that he leaves the room feeling pleased with Lillian watching over them.

He makes he's way to the meeting, he opens the door and walks in the room, all the nobles stand up bow to him as he sits down, his elbow and upper arm laying on the arm rest, while his head is resting on his knuckles and lower arm.

"Why have you called this meeting"

Claude said.

"Well you see your majesty, we wanted to talk about his highness, Apollo

Claude perks up.

" Well you see your majesty, his highness Apollo doesn't fully have the right to become a crown prince"

"Excuse me? "

"You see your majesty, his highness mother didn't have any noble blood, so his highness is only half royalty-"

"And you say this because..."

"Because it's true your majesty, unless he has noble blood, he can't be the crown prince, lady Iris was...well a commoner-"

Claude hearing that coming from a noble made him furious, he slammed his fist on the arm rest.

Eyes now glowing bright blue, and glaring at the noble who dared to insulted his woman

"Iris was my fiance, and was soon to be your queen, if it wasn't for that incident..."

"But your majesty-"

"Say one more thing about her and I'll have your head chopped off"

The nobles froze in fear watching Claudes bright blue eyes glaring at them one by one.

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