Falling in love in a Hot Topic

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Ok- so uh, this is like the first fanfic I have ever written with romance so please be nice to me-

It had been yet another slow day for Lancer, mindlessly scanning emo clothes that someone at plopped onto the checkout. Her coworker and some of the customers weren't making her day any better. She blankly stared at her coworker, Senpai, who only gazed into his Nokia. The loud, slobbering noises of the two gay emos passionately making out in the Hot Topic didn't quite help. But, at least it blocked the noise of a certain blue haired groomer jerking off onto some shitty shirts with MCR plastered onto it. At least she has her son, Bobby, to accompany her through this agonizing hell she called a job. "Mother." The awfully deep voice of her son snapped Lancer back to reality, she turned to look at the small white blob with a tired expression. "How long do you plan on working here for?" Bobby asked, examining the Hot Topic. "Honestly, I have no idea." Lancer responded, sighing in defeat. This was the only job she really had, sure she could work at the Emo McDonald's, but she didn't exactly want to work there after a run in with Bobby's vile biological mother, Barbara. She heard the doors swing open, she tiredly looked to see who had stepped in. Her eyes widened, becoming entranced by his appearance. His ginger hair, sweeped over to the side to cover one of his eyes. His eyes were an amber that seemed to glisten in the shitty lights of the Hot Topic. He wore a black mask to cover his mouth and black fingerless gloves. She couldn't quite tell, but he seemed to have painted his nails a black. Lancer's gaze stayed glued on the emo, watching him browse through the terrible selection of shirts. Bobby turned to his mother, worried for her. "Mother? Are you alright?" Bobby asked, snapping his mother from her trance. "Uh- yeah, I'm fine." Lancer said, turning back to gaze at the emo once more. Bobby turned to face the emo with his mother, his gaze of worry turning into a scowl. He was untrusting of this man, who knows, maybe this guy was hired by his pitiful excuse of a biological mother to kidnap him. He knew what Barbara would do just to get her hands on him once more, even if it was hiring some random ass emo to do so. Guess the ginger emo had felt a pair of eyes glued on him, having turned to face Lancer. She jumped at the sudden eye contact the two had made, stumbling and stammering nonsense as she tried to pretend like she was totally doing her work and not gazing at this random dude for god knows how long at this point. He just shrugged, going back to browsing. Eventually, the ginger emo has finally finished searching for whatever emo clothes he was looking for. He walked over to the checkout, gently placing the clothes in front of Lancer. She felt her heart pounding in her chest, nervous at having the emo so close to her. So, cue an extremely awkward checkout, that involved her constantly dropping the clothes as she muttered apologies. The ginger emo began to awkwardly tug at his choker, trying to find something to talk about to see if he could the situation slightly less awkward. "So... How long have you been working here for?" He asked, making Lancer perk up as she finally finished the checkout. "Oh uh- for like, a month by now." Lancer said, quietly letting out a sigh. "Are you new? I haven't seen you around before." Lancer asked. "Actually, yeah. I just moved here like a week ago." The ginger emo said, finally noticing Bobby scowling at him. "Who's that?" The emo asked, pointing at Bobby. "Oh, that's Bobby. Don't mind him." Lancer said, turning to look at her coworker get into an argument with someone. Bobby stared at the emo, closing his eyes as he sighed. He was trying to lull his worries, but he couldn't help it. "Name's Bobot." The ginger emo said, finally revealing his name. "Mine's Lancer." Lancer said, gently pulling Bobby closer to her as her shift was almost about to end. "Do you have a piece of paper or something?" Bobot asked. "Oh, I do actually." Lancer said, placing Bobby into her pocket. She handed him a piece of paper, alongside with a pen. Bobot wrote something onto the paper, folding the paper and sliding it over to Lancer. He left rather quickly, trying to hide his face with his mask. Lancer grabbed the paper, opening it. She became flustered as she realized he had written his phone number on it.

I'm in love with an emo gworl 😩😩😩😩😩Where stories live. Discover now