Playing the Best (BBC Sherlock Fanfic)

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Madeline Meredith Roths is a certified genius. Of course, no one actually knows that anymore, but, all the same, she is a certified genius. She learned at a very young age that, if she were to show her intelligence, she would be shunned and ridiculed, put at the bottom of the proverbial food chain, and condemned to eternal library lunches and solitude. So, taking that in mind, she hid her smarts and focused more on appearnce, as to please her demanding parents and eccentric classmates until graduation. But she decided to have a bit of fun, just to keep her from being bored, of course, so she told herself that she would keep the bimbo Red mask in place until someone saw through it, or she reached 5 years after college graduation. With her four and a half year mark behind her and the five year one just around the corner, she thinks that she might just have fooled the world on this one, but when she meets a certain John Watson, she is also meets his flatmate, the person who might just see through her facade... and her heart.

*Yeah, another Sherlock fanfic... so, tell me what you think!! If you're actually taking the time to read this, thank you so much!!! Not many people do, apparently...*

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