Wheels of Fate

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Jack woke up with a yawn. Sitting up, he did a quick stretch and rubbed his eyes. He slowly opened them, careful as not to blind them with the morning sun. After looking around a bit, he recalled the dream he had last night. He didn't remember much, but he knew it was very blissful. He happily joined the festival for the first time, wore a weird but cool boy dress, hung out with friends, and even called his teacher mom! He felt his cheeks heating up when he remembered that. The boy quickly shook his head. Alas, it was just a dream.

He went to the side of the bed, feet reaching for his sandals before he realized something: he was wearing the dress from his dream! It was then he remembered that it wasn't a dream after all. Jack quickly grabbed a pillow and screamed inside it. It was so embarrassing! Why did he do that!? It was going to be really awkward calling her m-mom. After a few more minutes of screaming, he calmed himself. Thinking it over, Jack realized it wasn't so bad. No, in fact, it was great! Not only did someone just adopt him yesterday, his mom was the most badass teacher around! He jumped out of the bed out of joy, walked around in circles and even started hand walking. He was so happy that he couldn't even stand still.

He then heard a chuckle come out before the words, "What are you doing?"

Losing his grip, he fell towards the floor. Looking up, he saw his tea-- mom smiling at him from the opened door. He quickly sat up and faced her, scratching his head.

"A-Ah, nothing. Good morning, m-mom," stuttered the boy, really hoping that last night wasn't just a dream.

To his response, she smiled brightly and said, "Good morning, son."

If Rimuru compared his son's expression with anything, then it would be the sun because of how bright they both were. The boy instantly lunged at him, to which he welcomed him with open arms. He spun his child around, careful not to hit anything but nonetheless did it just as happily. He was relieved by this. Kids were usually hard to predict when they were embarrassed. The old demon lord was just happy his son reacted so positively towards him.

After setting him down, they went for the eatery they ate at a week ago. The boy said he wanted to eat there after Rimuru asked him what he wanted for breakfast. As they were on their way, Rimuru thought about what he found out last night.

It turned out that the Morgue Moths were just a branch of a large organization called the Spear Mortuary. It was a criminal organization from another continent that had decided to expand after they had essentially conquered all of their own continent's underworlds. The one to lead the march to this place, the Heroic Continent, was none other than Dan Spear. Apparently the name Spear was worn by the heads of the organization.

The man who followed him Volgoa, or rather Voltaire Goa, had been freelancing for the organization for some time. Voltaire believed that while the Mortuary would be able to conquer some of their land, he doubted that they would be able to break through the powerhouses of the continent. He was just in it for the money.

The man himself was quite interesting. His predecessors had joined the old archmage in hopes to live quietly in peace. He said he didn't know about his bloodline's origins, but he knew that it had to have started since the Age of Chaos, the time when angels and gods roamed freely.

Rimuru was curious to know which angel the man descended from. He wanted to ask Milim, but decided not to. She would've kept him there for decades before she reluctantly let him go. Once again, he could've used his clone, but parallel existence just wasn't his thing. Ciel offered to tell him, but he said he'd find out about it himself later. Of course, that was part of the reason. He really just wanted to poke at her nerves. He could feel the proverbial pout she put on right now and was trying not to grin.

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