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I sat in class, staring at the board in annoyance. As I wrote down notes I felt my patience snap a bit. I looked at the person in front of me and hissed, "Would you mind shutting up?" The male looked around in confusion, unaware of what I just did.

"What was that?" He thought. I frowned, hoping he would discontinue those perverted thoughts. It made me want to stab myself forty-six times and then proceeded to jump off a bridge. He was going on and on about Teruhashi as if she wasn't annoying enough on her own.

"Sleep," I said telepathically. Almost immediately his eyes closed, and he leaned forward, slamming his face into his desk.

"Hikaru! No sleeping in class!" The teacher exclaimed, rushing over to the boy and slamming her hand on his desk. I felt a laugh rise in me as the boy looked around, dazed.

"H-huh?" He asked, looking back at me. "B-but... s-he-"

"No buts!" The teacher pulled him up by the ear and dragged him out. "Off to the principal's office!" I was so ready to fall over with the humor of the situation. I continued to write in my notebook, trying to ignore the stare of somebody to the northwest of me. Nobody recognized me at this point, and I was practically a ghost. I wouldn't be surprised if I was dead in all honesty.

I was the soon-to-be heir of the Yaku electronics company. My father and mine's minds are the heart of the company, well... more like the mind. I switched from my prestigious, all-year academy in middle school to the strange, run-down high school of P.K. Academy. I didn't mind though, it was better to go to some normal school where you aren't read by the fortune you'll inherit and how 'gorgeous' you are. Using a fake last name, as allowed by the school board, to hide my identity. Having zero attention was exactly what I wanted.

I finally looked up to where there was a stare, slightly surprised by meeting the pink eyes of a hot pink-haired male. I could tell they must've been pink, even behind those strange green-tinted glasses. I smiled at the male, waving slightly as a polite greeting. He looked at me intently, eyes slightly narrowed. It wasn't enough to change his expressionless face though. He didn't even flinch when we made eye contact.

He was the one guy I couldn't read, which partially frustrated me. Usually, I can look into the eyes of a person and learn who they are; name, preference, life story, etc. Of course, a human's eyes are the windows to their soul. It's helpful in some situations, but can be obnoxious. I'd say my glasses helped, but they weren't even real prescriptions.

"Please meet me after class?" I mouthed silently, hoping he'd say or do something. He didn't respond. "Please?" I asked, tilting my head a little bit. Still no reaction. Fine, I see how it is, bubblegum hair. Wait, that was rude, I should stop doing that.

As the teacher returned, Saiki's attention returned to the lecture. I was a bit weirded out by the whole ordeal. Why stare at me? I mean, I am a "harmless little girl." I sighed at the thought, returning to writing in my notebook. I was already bored when she started talking. Can't school be more entertaining?

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