The Taste Of Adventure

513 38 4

Flesh Bleeds From Your Bones

Skin Shall Peel From Your Corpse

Your Death Ushers In....

You let out a sigh which became visable in the cold air. You kept your hands in your pocket while Mizuno chewed on some stick he found among the leaves. You stared at the sky that seemed more gray than blue. A storm was crawling to the small town, ready to expose it's wrath on the unsuspected.

You heard the crunching of leaves and looked back to the apartment building to see Rose making her way over. She wore her Adventure Scouts uniform but with a coat over it to keep her warm. It was still pretty odd to see her like this. It was almost like a crack in her mature facade. Adventure calls to all children.

Rose finally reached you and you nodded, beginning your trek into the forest with the small girl. Thoughts raced through your mind. Scarlet was trusting you to keep Rose safe. You couldn't let her down. Not again.

Y/N: You ready to go?

Rose held her bag and nodded. She then did the Forest Adventure Scout salute, to which you tried to replicate the best you could.

Rose: Thank you for doing this. I'm sure you're a busy person.

You weren't. You actually didn't have much to do most days. You were more than happy to assist Rose in her quest for her badge. You snapped your finger and Mizuno let go of his stick, following you and Rose down the forest path. You haven't ventured too deep within the wilderness by the apartments, but you knew that there were trails you could take.

You planned on getting her back before lunch, as to avoid the weather, but you were sure that this would be done pretty quickly. How hard could it be to find some plants?

After walking for a while, you found yourself looking to Rose. She was still so young, yet you always felt like you were speaking to an old soul whenever you spoke to her. She was wise for her age, but wisdom did not mean she knew what she needed to know. She had this idea of what the world was, not realizing that she only understood the world that was around her.

Y/N: So, how's school going?

Rose: Pretty well. My teacher said that my grades are still good.

Y/N: Your grades? Well, that's good to hear. And your friends?

Rose was noticeably silent. This immediately caught your attention. She kept a good front, but she couldn't fool you. You knew the tell well.

Rose: I don't really...have a lot of friends.

You watched her from the side of your eye. You them looked forward to Mizuno who was sniffing along the trail. It was just the two of you here. You knew she would never admit to anything that troubles her.

She believed being an adult meant having to hide away your troubles. You bury your problems.

Y/N: I didn't have a lot of friends when I was your age either.

Rose seemed to be surprised by this. She always saw you as someone that people liked to be around. A guy who people flocked to for advice or even just for a good conversation. You were always so confident and filled with such valor that Rose almost felt like you were lying to her.

Still, you didn't appear to be. And why would you lie about something like this. Rose didn't quite understand you, and that irritated her to no end. You're young, yet you had money. You were so mature but you were so quiet about what experiences lead to your wisdom.

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