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Riley's pov:

I notice James storming over after he's been talking to that boy; I say talking but he was more or so shouting. I was calming the twins down, as they were both crying, so I gave them both a snack out of my bag while I went over to talk to my husband.
"James what did you say to him?" I asked curiously.
"I just asked him why he did what he did and then gave him some advice for the future." He explains calmly. I sighed and looked up into his deep brown eyes and could see the pain this boy has caused. I go up onto my tiptoes and gently place a kiss on his lips; however, he doesn't kiss back so I leave it and take his hand as we walk back over to our children.

"Kay, Hails. We're going to head home now, is that alright?" I double check to see if they were okay with that. They both nod their heads and I pick Keila up and place her on my hip while James does the same with Hailie.


Once we arrive home James goes straight upstairs to our room but I don't question it because I know he's angry about what happened at the park. Instead I get the girls sat down in their playroom and put on the tv for them whilst they have a snack.

I decide to go upstairs and see how James is doing. I walk quietly up the stairs and then knock on the door.
"Jay baby?" I say quietly. No answer. I decide to open the door and find him sat on the edge of the bed with a few tears rolling down his face. I quickly walk over and engulf him into a hug that I think he needed. I felt my shoulder get damp but I don't care. James never cries so I decide that I'll be there for him.

"I'm sorry Ri." I mumbles into my shoulder.
"Why baby?" I whisper back to him.
"Everything." He just confuses me more.
"Jay, I'm sorry but I don't know what you mean." I say pulling away to look him in the eyes. The same eyes that are usually full of love and happiness are now filled with sadness and...regret?
"What are you so upset about?" I ask him.
"Well...I've never told you this before but when I was younger, before we met, I used to be the same as that boy from the park. I just never understood why parents would get so annoyed at me but now I know why. The thought of your own child being hurt is painful. It's scary, so when I heard her screaming and Hailie stood next to her on the verge of tears I just felt anger towards myself. I guess I never wanted to admit it but I wish I was different." He explains to me. I pull him back in for another hug while he cries some more. I place a kiss on his neck and then lean back a bit so I can kiss his lips.

"Oh Jay, you're cute sometimes!" I smile at him and I manage to get some what of a smile back.
"But please don't change. I love you just the way you are, so much. I really don't mind about the past, it's in the past and I know you've changed. You're a sweet, caring guy." I whisper to him as I pulled him back into another hug.
"I love you Riles." He whispers so it's barely audible but it made me smile.
"So so much." He adds on. That made my smile grow even bigger. He then pulls away and looks me in the eyes. Before long I find myself kissing him as he pushes me back down onto the bed.


James' pov:

I wake up the next morning and see Riley curled up in a ball next to me, just the the duvet covering her body. I roll over and engulf her into a hug while I watch her sleep for a bit. Not long after that I hear Riley's phone go off; her ringtone is one of my band's songs which is so cute. I decide to answer it but I didn't check who was calling.

"Hey Ril- oh James!" Rileys mum says over the phone.
"Hi Jude, how are you and Adam?" I ask politely. Over the years, Riley's parents have become like my second pay and vice versa with my parents.
"Oh aren't you a sweetheart. We're good thanks! How are you and Ri doing after, well you know." She asks sympathetically. I sigh as I remember what happened that day, not like I'd ever forget.
"We're both alright thanks, it's hard but we'll get through it." I explain as I hear my girl stir in her sleep. I gently pull her so she's laying on top of me as I rub her back gently.
"That's good then. I do hope to see more grand babies around here soon!" She laughs and I chuckle along with her.
"Hey, why don't you two bring the girls round and spend the day here. You and Ri can go and do whatever you want while we look after the twins if you want. Up to you though." She offers us. As she says that I hear two sets of feet running down the hall.
"Ah thanks Jude, I'm sure we'll be over but I've gotta go, twins are up. See you later." I say as Hailie and Keila pop their heads around the door.
"Girls wanna say hi to granny?" I ask them and they frantically nod their heads and come running in. I chuckle to myself as I put the phone on speaker for them. They run back down the hall, most probably to their bedroom, to talk to their granny.
"Bye James!" I faintly hear Jude call out to me. I chuckle some more but just then I see Riles starting to wake up.

"Hey sleepy head." I say after kissing the top of her head carefully. She looks around and smirks to herself as she notices our clothes on the floor from last night.
"Morning Jay." She replies sleepily as she rests her head back down on top of my chest. I wrap my arms around her but speak up again.
"Your mum called." I whisper into her ear.
"Hmm? What she want?" She mumbles.
"She was just checking in..." I say to her with a bit of hesitation at the end. She narrows her eyes at me once she'd sat up again.
"What else did she say?" She asks with her beautiful smile that makes me smile.
"She was asking if we'd like to go round to theirs today." I reply as she gets up off of me to get changed.

I forgot to upload again. Hope you enjoy! Xx :)

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