Your Identity

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Warning: Sexual content, and physical abuse

Notes: Morpheus is finally opening up, about damn time. The song, "Who Is She" by I, Monster inspired this chapter!

Word count: 4.1k

The calming water was the only sound inside the bathroom, with Morpheus dumping soap inside the tub for bubbles. Soft scents of lavender and jasmine filled your nose as the soap began to foam, Morpheus stood next to you as you looked at the bathtub. No one said a word, and that was fine for the two of you. No words had to be said to show how you feel, as the bathtub was halfway filled, Morpheus let go of your hand and began to strip away from his clothes. Morpheus' skin was pale as the moon, his body toned with little body fat, it was a sight to see but it was too much to see since you looked away. He placed his black clothes and coat on top of the bathroom sink, and together you locked eyes. Then you noticed he was waiting for you to remove your undergarments, as you removed your undergarments, he stopped the water, got inside the bathtub, and reached for your hand. You grabbed his hand and sat in front of him, with your back facing him. As he lay down on the tub, he pushed you back to lean against him. Your body turned stiff, until he whispered in your ear, "Relax, I won't hurt you."

Those were the same words Corinthian told you, and you began to shake. You tried to get up, but he held your shoulder and said, "I'm not him, trust me." Taking deep breaths, you leaned back against his body and laid your head on his shoulder. His arms were on top of the bathtub rim, and he leaned back to look at the ceiling, your legs raised as your arms lay on your stomach, soft breathing coming from your mouth. You looked straight ahead of you to see the door was closed and you tried to close your eyes, but all you could remember was Corinthian. The harsh grip he had on your wrist, the knife scrapped itself against your skin, and his laughter echoing in your mind. Morpheus could sense something was wrong when your breathing was going faster than normal, he laid his hands on top of yours, and leaned against your ear, "(Y/N), what has Corinthian done to you?" You closed your eyes and tried to listen to Morpheus' voice but all you heard was Corinthian's voice just calling you, and filling your head with his screams. 'What has he done to her?' he thought to himself, 'My (Y/N)...Corinthian, you shall pay for this.'

"I...I'm sorry Morpheus, I can't stop thinking about him," you admitted while your eyes opened slowly, "He tried to manipulate me to leave you, and come with him too, I don't know where, but he promised me I would have a better life with him." Morpheus looked at you and his arms gripped around you tighter, he was trying his hardest to keep his emotions in control but to hear that Corinthian wanted to take you away was too much to handle. Corinthian was a smart man who knew you were Morpheus' weakness and wanted to abuse that weakness. You could feel his grip getting tighter around you, but after you winced in pain, he loosened his grip. "He came by the cell every time I would return, and he would stay with me, but...The first time he came by," you explained, your voice began to break as you replayed that scene when he drugged you, tears spilling and you began to rub them away, "He drugged me, and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't move or speak, I was so scared, Morpheus."

Morpheus didn't say anything, because he was afraid he would begin to raise his voice, and he wanted to hear more about what Corinthian told you. Instead, he gave you a small nod to continue speaking, you laid your hand on top of his hand and caressed it as you gathered your strength. "Corinthian demanded why I kept forgiving you, despite you treating me terribly, but I told him, you try to gain back my forgiveness," you said as you kept looking at the door, "He grabbed my jaw and wanted me to say yes, so he can take me away, but I slapped him and tried to run but..." When he heard you saying you slapped him, his eyebrows raised and he looked at you with shock. Despite Corinthian being a literal nightmare and wanting to kill you, you still found the strength to hit him? Morpheus was aware you were a stupid girl, but also a brave one. He couldn't help but feel a bit amazed at your bravery, you went against his enemy, and slapped him. Just to stay with him? Morpheus realized how loyal you are to him, and he almost felt regretful for the way he treated you. "Wow," Morpheus said softly, "I'm sorry for not coming down sooner."

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